FanWing™ Breakthrough Technology

Model Airplane Meet - 1930s

Mighty Atom Engine Video - 1935

Model Airplane Meet Video - 1928

Model Airplane Championships Video - 1936

E-flite Taylorcraft on Snow Skis

Covering Compound Curves with MonoKote

R/C Servo Timing Waveform Video

Part 1

Part 4

Part 6
Here is a list of model airplane, helicopter, rocket, and boat videos put together
around 2008. As you might expect, by now many of the websites and/or the original
content are gone. Where possible, I located missing material on the Archive.org
website (the Wayback Machine). Links I couldn't find anywhere have been deleted.
Many of the videos are ones I created for the Airplanes and Rockets website.
How-To Instructional Videos
Posted July 9, 2022 (updated from original post on
August 18, 2008)