Berkeley Models Privateer

by Steven Krick

Berkeley Models Privateer w/Silkspan (Steven Krick) - Airplanes and RocketsMr. Steven Krick wrote to ask a question about my method for applying Silkspan on an open frame area on a vintage Berkeley Privateer seaplane model he is in the process of building. After imparting some of my limited knowledge on such matters, he responded with some photos of the framed-up Privateer. A few days he followed with a photo after the Silkspan has been applied. Hopefully, more images will be made available as the progress continues. A Cox .049 is being used for power. I'd like to someday post a link to a video of the Privateer flying off a lake in Connecticut!

Berkeley Models Privateer (Steven Krick) - Airplanes and RocketsThe Privateer was - and still is- a very popular amphibious model. When Berkeley first produced the kit, modelers built it for radio control, control line, and free flight. Don McGovern, the ship's designer, produced plans for a few different sizes. 36" wingspan ("Privateer", the one pictured here), 60" wingspan ("Super Privateer"), and 114" wingspan ("Custom Privateer") versions were kitted by Berkeley models. Some of those vintage kits can still be found on eBay, and there are producers of laser-cut "short kits." I prefer to preserve the original kits for historical purposes and build from a copy of the plans. The short kits are a very nice option since the balsa and plywood is typically of better quality than the original in the kits, and the laser cutting is much more accurate and better-fitting than the original "die smashed" parts.

Samples of plans for the three size Privateers are presented below, along with hyperlinks to the OuterZone website that has free, downloadable PDF plans files. I have used their plans for three of four models and they have been excellent quality.

Steven is a long-time model builder who's main forte is super-scale construction and painting of plastic kits (Revell, Monogram, etc.). He sent along a few photos of a German Dornier Do 335 A-6, along with a brief description of the effort. As is apparent in the photos, painstaking effort is put into replicating detail in the cockpit and engine compartment areas, along with weathering effects on the airframe.


Berkeley Models "Privateer" Plans - Airplanes and Rockets

Berkeley Models "Privateer" Plans (outerzone download)

36" Wingspan

.035 - .074 Engine

Berkeley Models "Super Privateer" Plans - Airplanes and Rockets

Berkeley Models "Super Privateer" Plans (outerzone download)

60" Wingspan

.46 - .65 Engine

"McGovern's Monster" Custom Privateer Plans - Airplanes and Rockets

McGovern's Monster "Custom Privateer" Plans (outerzone download)

114" Wingspan

.46 - .65 Engine



Posted June 15, 2019

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