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Model Aircraft Museum, AMA - Airplanes and Rockets

Bean Hill Flyers Newsletter - November/December 2012

Erie, Pennsylvania

The Bean Hill Flyers club is Erie, Pennsylvania's, only organized control line flying group. It operates under sanction of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), charter #4673. Two main flying sites are maintained, one in Albion, PA, and the other in Millcreek, just west of the Erie city line.

Class: Control Line       AMA Chartered Club #4673

Flying Field Location: Rt. 6N, just east of Albion, PA (see map)

Contact: Joe Daniels

Phone: 814-881-1895

Note: The scanned version of the newsletter is presented first in graphical format, and then below it is a text version that was OCR'ed in order to allow search engines to trigger on keywords.



Bean Hill Flyers November / December Newsletter (p1) - Airplanes and Rockets



Bean Hill Flyers November / December Newsletter (p2) - Airplanes and Rockets



Bean Hill Flyers November / December Newsletter (p3) - Airplanes and Rockets



Bean Hill Flyers November / December Newsletter (p4) - Airplanes and Rockets



Bean Hill Flyers November / December Newsletter (p5) - Airplanes and Rockets



Bean Hill Flyers November / December Newsletter (p6) - Airplanes and Rockets







Text Version of Newsletter


Bean Hill Flyers November / December 2012 Newsletter - Airplanes and Rockets

President: Joe Daniels                         Vice President: Dennis Thomas

Treasurer: George Towns                           Safety Officer: Chris Keller

Newsletter Editor: Dalton Hammett               Secretary: Greg Rodney

Plans Librarian: Bill Hayes

Hi Everyone,

The end of the year newsletter is here. There is probably not much warm flying weather left in the year. But as many of you know by now, that doesn't mean we won't still be flying. Before we get into my total ignorance of what good flying weather is, let's talk about some club business. In this newsletter you will find the 2012 membership form. Here are the basic instructions for joining or renewing members:

1.  Fill out the form completely

2.  Send the completed form and dues to the treasurer, George Towns, his address is on the form.

3.  Aim to complete the above two steps no later than January 31, 2012

This year we have we have seen strong membership growth for a club our size. A number of these members joined late in the season, in the last third of the year, making them 2013 members. The last I heard, we were approaching the 40 mark if not exceeding it, that's exciting. Remember, Kids under 15 may join for free. AMA membership is required. Flying at the club field or at club events require this AMA membership for insurance purposes. So please send form and dues to George Towns only, and he will pass the info to Greg Rodney, who update the roster so the new one will be accurate for 2013. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please note the addition of Bill Hayes as the official club plans librarian. We have a good collection at our disposal. Thanks Bill!

In September/October, we had two fun events. The Ringmaster Fly a Thon as plagued in our area by breezy, cold rainy weather. We were only able to put up one Ringmaster flight. For the few who braved the elements, hurrah, we did have fun. It was, at least a good bull session. For those didn't come out there is always next year and maybe better weather. Maxwell's Fun Fly had better conditions and included some artful tree limb dodging. Joe's circle was expanded to allow 60 ft lines, just barely. here was some great flying, including a fast combat plane demo by Team Thomas. Wicked fast... I was scared just holding it for start-up!

Again, here's some thoughts on windy weather flying. Those of you that fly with me regularly know that I will tend to fly in turbulence and wind that makes some pea e . nervous. I suppose I got in the habit of flying in almost any wind when flying rc sailplanes. I adopted the attitude that this is my day to go flying and that's what I'm going to do no matter what. (Within Reason) With control line models and wind I think that if you keep some things in mind, you can fly in more wind than you think. A good strong dependable motor with a light medium sized plane flys best in wind and turbulence. A Flite Streak is a good example. Good control setups with a strong pushrod is a must. Consider building a plane that is set up for flying in the wind, Then you will have something that works and will give you confidence. That's the equipment end. On the the flying side, launch down wind, keep the wind at your back for loops and figure eights. Wing overs are started facing upwind. And try to fly as smoothly as possible. That's the basics. The feeling is a cross between kite flying and controline, It's fun! Try a little more wind. You might surprise yourself


Tight Lines,

Joe Daniels


Please print this page and cut out application along dashed line.

2013 Membership Application
    Name: ____________________________ Phone #: ____________________________
Address: ____________________________    E-mail: ____________________________
               ____________________________     AMA#: ____________________________
  • Regular membership ≥18 is $10
  • Jr. membership ≤17 is free
  • 2nd regular membership at the same address (no newsletter) is $5
  • Make funds payable to: Bean Hill Flyers
  • Return forms and funds to: George Towns, Treasurer, 4115 Page St., Erie, PA  16510
  • Membership in AMA is required for all members participating in club flying activities due to insurance coverage
  • Non flying associate members are very welcome to join also

Club Schedule

Nov 17 Build Session
Dec 1 Build Session
Dec 15 Build Session
Dec 29 Build Session
Jan 12 Build Session
Jan 26 Build Session

Build Sessions are held at Maxwell's Hobby Shop from about 4 pm until 6 pm. Bring your projects in if you would like some help or just stop in to visit and possibly help someone else. If you would like more information contact Joe at the shop.

September 2012 Newsletter Spotlight, by the Bean Hill Flyers - Airplanes and Rockets

Stunt News
July / August 2012

This was a great issue and had a photo on the cover of one of my favorite planes, The Sweeper. I found a picture of club member, Dave Evar, in the District III section.

Control Line World
October 2012

This is a fantastic issue for our club members. I've found pictures of Chris Keller, George Towns, Joe Maxwell, Ron Basin, Ryan Cooper, Noah Cooper, Albert Bergener, Denny Thomas, Bob Crusan and of course our good friend John Brodak. I do apologize if I've missed anyone.

Speaking of Control Line World, there was a thread on Stunt Hanger about subscriptions being down. CLW is a great publication covering all aspects of control line flying. If you are going to renew for 2013 or if you plan to become a subscriber please do so. I would hate to see this publication discontinued.

2012-2013 Winter Building Challenge

The next winter building challenge plane is anyone of the three Carl Goldberg Goodyear Racers. These are the Shoestring, the Buster and the Cosmic Wind. They can be built from original kits, from the Brodak Kits or from scratch. The completed planes can be powered as you wish but we are hoping to see more Foxberg Race planes with Fox .35's. The planes must be built over the coming winter. If you have questions contact Dalton Hammett.


George Towns shows us what it looks like when the prop shaft fails in flight - Airplanes and Rockets

George Towns shows us what it looks like

when the prop shaft fails in flight

Daryl Eccles with his new Super Clown powered by what looked like a new McCoy .35 - Airplanes and Rockets

Daryl Eccles with his new Super Clown powered

by what looked like a new McCoy .35

Bean Hill members Dominick Dirienzo, Joe Maxwell, Joe Daniels, George Towns and Ron Santia at the field  - Airplanes and Rockets

Bean Hill members Dominick Dirienzo, Joe Maxwell, Joe Daniels,

George Towns and Ron Santia at the field in Erie, PA

Here are two guys we don't get to see much anymore: Randy Shaffer Jr (L) and Duane Hammett (R) - Airplanes and Rockets

Here are two guys we don't get to see much

anymore. Randy Shaffer Jr (L) has gone off to

further his education and has a great musical

career going and Duane Hammett (R) has a

family and a career at the other end of

Pennsylvania. Both maintain their membership

and show up to fly with us now and then.


Here is a page featuring other flying clubs and hobby shops in the Erie, PA, area.

Map for Bean Hill Flyers

AMA Chartered Club #4673

View Larger Map



Posted November 3, 2012

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