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Plane Views
December 1945 Flying Age including Flying Aces

December 1945 Flying Age

Flying Age December 1945 - Airplanes and Rockets Table of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

"Plane Views" was a monthly feature of Flying Age magazine, with this installment being from the December 1945 issue. Flying Aces changed its name to Flying Age in the middle of 1944, probably to focus on the rapidly advancing aeronautical technology prompted by World War II. Whereas Flying Aces was full of fictional stories of flying aces during World War I and the interim up though the middle of World War II - along with plans for airplane models - Flying Age was essentially an entirely new magazine with very little in the way of model aviation and none of the adventure stories. Many Flying Aces readers were highly upset at the extreme change, especially since it essentially abandoned the Flying Aces Club as well. The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) had no involvement with either the Flying Aces or the Flying Age magazines. In fact, I don't recall the AMA ever being mentioned. The AMA had its own magazine that went by various titles over the years, including American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, and its present incarnation, Model Aviation.

Plane Views

Piper L-14 Army Cruiser - Airplanes and Rockets

Piper L-14 Army Cruiser

Superfortress gliding over the Saipan scrub - Airplanes and RocketsThe victor is home from the wars. This Superfortress gliding over the Saipan scrub was one of those that blasted the Japanese to surrender in the last days of the war.

Acme photo (left)

Wingside view of the Globemaster, Douglas DC-7 - Airplanes and RocketsGloucester Meteors, Britain's new jets, fills the sky in first of jet formation shots - Airplanes and RocketsWingside view of the Globemaster, Douglas DC-7, which will fly non-stop for 7,500 miles at 300 miles an hour. Airliner will carry 108 passengers, crew of thirteen. (right)

A pattern of Gloucester Meteors, Britain's new jets, fills the sky in first of jet formation shots.

Associated Press photo (left)

 - Airplanes and RocketsPalms and a plane make a picture as a Lib wings over the Marianas.

International News photo (left)

Coast Guard scout plane - Airplanes and RocketsA trim single-engined Coast Guard scout plane skims the mountains of the Arctic.

Wide World photo (right)

Aries, Britain's Lancaster bomber - Airplanes and RocketsThe Aries, Britain's Lancaster bomber, modified for exploratory arctic flight.

British Combine photo (left)

Spencer-Larsen amphibian - Airplanes and RocketsComing down gently is this Spencer-Larsen amphibian, predecessor of the Seabee, with engine in hull and propeller, double shaft, landing gear at rear wheel float.

Haus Groenhoff photo (right)



Posted May 13, 2023

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Kirt Blattenberger, Webmaster - Airplanes and RocketsKirt Blattenberger

Carpe Diem! (Seize the Day!)

Even during the busiest times of my
life I have endeavored to maintain
some form of model building activity.
This site has been created to help me chronicle my journey through a lifelong involvement in model aviation, which all began in Mayo, MD ...

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