The Cessna
Skymaster (336/337) has always been my favorite twin-engined civilian lightplane. A
military version of it is designated as the O-2 Skymaster. For as long as I can
remember, I have threatened to build a control-line model of one. Well, that time
has finally arrived, and I began by ordering these plans from the
AMA Plans Service. It will be powered
by a pair of 480-sized brushless motors, and throttle will be controlled by a hand-held
car/boat format transmitter, the one I use on my control-line
Douglas DC-3. I
am modifying the fuselage construction to accommodate the motors, and am adding
formers to simplify the building process. Mr. Welch's original omitted formers in
the cabin area in order to facilitate a scale look, but I am more concerned with
practicality. Pictures will be posted as progress ensues.
The Cessna 336 Skymaster was introduced in 1963 as a unique twin-engine aircraft
with a push-pull configuration, placing one engine at the front and another at the
rear. This unconventional setup was designed to address some of the challenges that
pilots faced with traditional twin-engine planes, particularly the handling difficulties
that arose during an engine failure. With the engines positioned along the aircraft's
longitudinal axis, the Skymaster could avoid the dangerous yaw effects caused by
asymmetric thrust when one engine stopped working, a common issue in side-by-side
twin-engine configurations.
The original Skymaster had a fixed landing gear and was a high-wing aircraft,
which gave it a stable and practical design, especially for observation and utility
purposes. The aircraft was designed to fill a niche for private owners and commercial
operators seeking an easy-to-handle twin-engine plane without the need for complex
multi-engine handling skills.
Cessna's design innovations with the 336 were aimed at providing safety and reliability.
However, the 336 version of the Skymaster was produced for only a short period,
as it was quickly superseded by the improved Cessna 337 in 1965. The 337 featured
retractable landing gear and more powerful engines, which addressed some of the
performance limitations of the 336. Despite its brief production run, the 336 laid
the groundwork for the more widely known 337 and helped establish the Skymaster's
reputation as a reliable aircraft with unique design characteristics.
Championship Winning 336 Cessna Skymaster

Cessna 336 Skymaster control-line model front 3/4-view.
By Bob Welch
One of the most interesting businessplane designs of recent years, the Cessna
336 Skymaster is a marvelous subject for twin-engined models. Unlike other twins,
its "center line thrust concept" with push-pull powerplants permits a minimum of
upsetting forces after one engine conks out. F/F and R/C fans alike should be enthusiastic
over Cessna's center line thrust concept, as CLTC craft continue on course relatively
undisturbed after one engine has quit.
After ribs and spars are cut out, assemble wing spar with aid of spar braces.
Dihedral should be as shown. Ribs are cemented to spar first, then 1/4" sq. balsa
L.E. and 1/8" sq. ply T.E. If a power saw is not available for stripping up 1/8"
ply for T.E., 1/8" pine or spruce will do the job. Flap control horns should be
formed and installed at this stage (before top sheet covering). Aluminum straps
about 1/16" x 1/8" are used, being wrapped around the control horns and T.E. Cover
the bottom of the wing with 3/32" sheet (be sure this is done before mounting bellcrank
or flap-actuating "L"-crank.

Seventeen year old Bob Welch of Patterson, California control
line scale designer wins senior Nationals honors with beautiful miniature of a new
twin-engine plane featuring push-pun powerplants. He belongs to the Tracy Skyliners
After bellcrank and L-crank are installed, make inclined lead-out holes in wing
bottom. Cement 1/8" O.D. tubing in these holes to minimize wear due to lead-out
wire movement,. To make an easy job of mounting the booms and stabilizer, make push
rod 8" long initially. When tail booms and stabilizer are in place, remaining push
rod length is soldered on. Secure front end of push rod to bellcrank with washer
soldered to push rod end. Check actuation of bellcrank for smoothness, then plank
top of wing, add tip blocks, ailerons and flaps.
Cut four blanks for tail booms from 1/4" sheet, working as accurately as you
can in cutting the wing opening. Careless work at this stage can result in one boom
drooping more than the other - nothing looks worse in a twin-boomed job! Boom cores
of 1/8" sheet (2) are needed, plus a pair of rudder supports cut from 1/8" ply.
Note that clearance for the push rod is cut out of the inboard support. Flyers who
prefer the standard counter-clockwise flying direction will want to hollow out the
left boom for push rod clearance.
Only the outboard 1/4" blank is cemented to the 1/8" core of the left tail boom
- access is needed for sub sequent push rod installation. In laminating the right
boom, do not forget rudder support. It is very hard to install in the assembled
tail boom. Carve and sand tail boom as per section. Cut rudders from 1/4" sheet,
carve, then sand to airfoil section. You may have to splice sheets to complete the
rudders, but seams will easily be hidden with filler later.
Rudders are cut out to accept ply supports - when rudders are cemented in place,
cut out areas are re placed and sanded flush. Stab and elevator are cut to match
plans and are hinged together and sanded to airfoil section (note dotted lines in
side view).

Cessna 336 Skymaster control-line model top 3/4-view.

Cessna 336 Skymaster control-line model rear 3/4-view.

Cessna 336 Skymaster control-line model rear-view.
Cut out fuselage sides, window frames and bulkheads as per plans. If an operating
door is desired, cut two from 1/16" ply and cement together. The operating door
goes hand in hand with interior detail, as some access will be necessary to perform
various last "touches" interiorwise. Cement 1/8" ply side window frames to fuselage
sides and let dry completely, Assemble nose gear and bolt to firewall (bulkhead
B). Upper portions of bulkheads D and E are 1/8" ply to strengthen engine bearer
anchorage. Both D and E are cemented to fuselage sides with all bottom edges flush.
Note 1/4" sheet sides where fuselage curves in at bottom of E. Cut 3/8" x 1/2" engine
bearers to size and cement in place. Fill spaces between engine bearers and fuselage
sides with balsa. Let cement dry thoroughly before attempting any carving or shaping.
Notice the odd shape of the fuel tanks. Space is at a premium in this job, so
they have to be custom-made to fit as shown. No overflow system was deemed necessary
- just a feed and filler line per tank. Our tanks were made from coffee can stock
and were cemented in place very securely to prevent them from working loose later.
This is a good stage to add the various interior cabin braces. The cabin floor is
1/16" ply and butts into cabin sides. Floor outline can be traced from full size
top view (don't forget to deduct thickness of cabin sides). A light score mark across
the floor is needed to crack it upward slightly fore and aft, as only the area near
door is horizontal.
Note the corner strips or longerons in the lower cabin sides-they are needed
for strength. L.G. mount of 1/8" ply is fitted to bottom of floor. Formed dural
L.G. strut is bolted to it. To keep engines clean during sanding operations, tape
them up, being careful to seal the intake and exhaust ports. Mount both engines
and cut intake holes in fuselage where needed. Start at nose and work back hollowing
and cementing 1/2" sheet blocks in place. Bend air scoop and cowl flaps from tin.
Carve fuselage to shape and sand. If windows are added now, mask them off to prevent
scratching, as there will be much handling yet before we are done with fuselage.
Cockpit detailing an be as basic or frilly as you choose and should be done at this
stage. For those looking for pix of interior setup, see pages 80 and 81 of Air Progress,
June i963, This issue had a full flight report and plenty of exterior pix of the
prototype, plus factory 3-views.
Assembled wing is cemented to fuselage, visual checks being made to verify proper
alignment. Top blocks are contoured and cemented in place - be sure to hollow out
the ceiling area over seat first, as that is hard to do after assembly. Cement tail
booms to wing and stabilizer between booms. Bend aft end of push rod to connect
with 8" stub previously fitted, slide tubing on to fit overlapped ends of push rod
and solder. Don't absent-mindedly over look the fact that bellcrank and elevator
should both be neutral when soldering push rod joint. Cover in board boom with piece
previously left off and carve to proper shape. Make fan as per plans; in order that
all blades be bent at equal angles, be sure to use hard wood jig shown. Fan hole
should match diameter of pointed pin in template or jig (1/16" is a good size),
later drilled to match engine shaft diameter.
Wheel pants are carved, hollowed and fiberglassed to nose wheel strut and main
(sheet dural) L.G. strut. Make small fairings for outboard faces of rudders, cement
in place. Use your own judgment in cutting cowls - but you can profit by my experience.
I cut them out after the model was judged, which was not too good, as I didn't have
the right tools at hand and could have done a neater job at my workbench. This is
not likely to be anybody's first scale attempt, so the finishing procedure will
not be detailed. I recommend covering the entire fuselage with nylon and using enough
primersurfacer to hide all scratches, wood pores and blemishes. I hope you have
a strong sanding arm - you'll need it. Six coats of pigmented dope should provide
ample body and a trip to the local airport will give you ideas for color schemes.
Finished model should weigh about 3 pounds. Model should balance at point shown
in side before flying. Standard flying lines are recommended: .015" dia., 52' long.
If you intend operating the flaps and throttles, the third line should be .012"
dia., stranded. Start rear engine first. It will be necessary to start rear engine
from underneath, this being the easiest way to flip the prop without whacking off
the tail. You should take off with a little down flap and up elevator, as the model
rolls along level and needs to be gently coaxed into a slightly tail down attitude
before you see daylight under the wheels. The original model has made 1/4-lap take-offs,
but do not horse it right off - yours might need a full lap to lift off properly.
Once in the air, it should al most fly itself. When the front engine quits after
15 or 20 laps (that's how the original model behaves, anyway), you can set it down
or fly along on rear engine. I do not recommend extended flying with rear engine
only as it tends to overheat and the glide ratio isn't too good.
You'll undoubtedly want to know about that rear extension shaft, so here's the
info. It is lathe-turned, a scaled-down version of the Veco extension shaft (Cat.
#110). Original was cut down from two Veco prop spinner nuts. Engine shaft is thus
extended 5/8" so engine is fully enclosed. If no lathe is handy, move rear engine
back 5/8" and cut away lower cowl to clear exposed portion of cylinder. It won't
look too bad, nor will it affect the balance of the model greatly.
If you're going to show off all that fine interior detail you'll need a working
door. Extension shaft for rear engine is lathe turned and detailed in Bob's article.

336 Cessna Skymaster Plans <click for larger version>
Full size working drawings for Welch's push-pull Skymaster are part of Group Plan
#164 from Hobby Helper
The AMA Plans Service offers a
full-size version of many of the plans show here at a very reasonable cost. They
will scale the plans any size for you. It is always best to buy printed plans because
my scanner versions often have distortions that can cause parts to fit poorly. Purchasing
plans also help to support the operation of the
Academy of Model Aeronautics - the #1
advocate for model aviation throughout the world. If the AMA no longer has this
plan on file, I will be glad to send you my higher resolution version.
Try my Scale Calculator for
Model Airplane Plans.