Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Plans Service - Airplanes and Rockets

Spartan School of Aeronautics Advertisement
December 1954 Air Trails Hobbies for Young Men

December 1954 Air Trails

December 1954 Air Trails Cover - Airplanes and RocketsTable of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

Nowadays know as Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology, the Spartan School of Aeronautics was founded in 1928 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by oil magnate William G. Skelly.  Skelly believed air transportation was the way of the future and to be successful would require skilled aircraft technicians and pilots. Spartan claims to have trained more than 100,000 technicians and pilots for careers in the aeronautics industry. They now have branches in Denver, Colorado, and Los Angeles and Inland Empire, California. The Spartan Black Cat logo, which includes the number 13, and the slogan "Knowledge and Skill Overcome Superstition and Luck," was the original insignia of the Spartan College Dawn Patrol. The fact that Spartan School of Aeronautics began only a year before of the stock market crash of 1929 and survived the ensuing decade-long Great Depression and Dust Bowl years is a testament to its tenacity. This advertisement appeared in a 1954 issue of Air Trails - Hobbies for Young Men magazine, which was shortly after the end of the Korean War.

Spartan School of Aeronautics Advertisement

Spartan School of Aeronautics Advertisement, December 1954 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsLooking for Opportunity?

Look to Aviation!

Don't delay ... if you're interested in a career in America's leading manufacturing industry, clip the coupon below and put it in the mail today. By return mail, you'll receive complete information. Get started on a career that will give you Opportunity, Security and Variety of work.

If you want job opportunity - good pay, a wide range of jobs, a promising future - here's some interesting news: this year, for the first time, the aircraft industry became America's largest employer! That's right ... there are more jobs in aircraft than there are in the auto industry - more jobs in aircraft than appliance manufacture - more jobs in aircraft than in any other manufacturing industry in the U. S.!

What does this mean to you? Simply this: The well trained man has a wider choice of jobs, a greater opportunity for advancement, and greater job security.

Get into this amazing industry now, while it's still growing! Train for a career at Spartan the University of Aviation. Here you'll get the thorough, well-rounded preparation you need to start you off on a successful career in the nation's leading industry.


A University of Aviation

School of Aeronautics

Maxwell W. Balfour, Director

College of Engineering

Address Dept. AT-124

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Complete Information Mail Coupon Today

Maxwell W. Balfour, Director

Spartan School of Aeronautics Dept. AT-124

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Please send complete information immediately.

Name                                      Age 


City                                                                                  State

Indicate which of these branches interests you:

Aircraft Engine Mechanics

Instrument Technician (Standard and Electrical)

Flight Engineer

Link Trainer Instructor 

Parachute Rigger

Spartan is approved for training under the G, I. Bill of Rights



Posted April 4, 2020

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