RF Cascade Workbook - RF Cafe

Workshop Tips for Modelers
Annual 1960 Air Trails Hobbies for Young Men

Annual Edition 1960 Air Trails
Annual Edition 1960 Air Trails Cover - Airplanes and RocketsTable of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

These hand-dandy model building tips are as useful today as they were in they appeared in the 1960 Annual issue of Air Trails (Hobbies for Young Men) magazine. Readers submitted their brilliant ideas to the editor, who then created drawings and brief descriptions. I find myself doing many of the things that appear in this and of editions of the vintage modeling magazines - of course that might have something to do with my being "vintage" at this point in life (born in 1958). Back when these items were published, availability of most tools and material was nowhere near as abundant as today. IT's hard to imagine anyone nowadays making a drill bit out of a nail, but in a pinch you never know.

Workshop Tips

Streamlined model wheels - Airplanes and RocketsTough, streamlined model wheels are made by David Hall, Belmont, Mass., using plywood discs and electric drill. Shape is turned using file, sandpaper. Hardwood hub completes wheel.

Bolting or pinning rib stock between metal or plywood templates - Airplanes and RocketsInstead of bolting or pinning rib stock between metal or plywood templates for shaping, Bud Walters, Midland, Texas, uses "C" clamps, changed them to opposite side during shaping.

Rubbing castor oil on dope bottle threads - Airplanes and RocketsRubbing castor oil on dope bottle threads will prevent lid sticking. Stuck lids can be loosened, says Eugene Block, Tucson, Ariz., by inverting bottle and applying thinner along edge of cap.

Wraps rubber bands around handles of pliers - Airplanes and RocketsReal worthwhile idea is from Richard Hedderick, Trenton, N. J., who wraps rubber bands around handles of pliers to make them serve effectively as clamps. Long nose pliers for hard-to-reach places.

Twist drill for balsa or soft woods - Airplanes and RocketsImprovised twist drill for balsa or soft woods can be quickly made from finishing nail. Flattened end is twisted, point sharpened with file. Idea from Jerry Sorrell, Olympia, Wash.  

Porous felt tip to spread adhesive evenly - Airplanes and RocketsHandy dope applicator for use in covering models utilizes porous felt tip to spread adhesive evenly. Noble Carlson, Willoughby, Ohio, says tips harden after use; make several.



Posted November 20, 2021

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