Model Progress
November 1961 American Modeler

November 1961 American Modeler

November 1961 American Modeler magazine cover - Airplanes and Rockets Table of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.


Model Progress

by Al Lewis

Greetings, fellow balsa bashers! Got acres of info for you this month, so please check through the entire column with more than usual care ... promise? Good, let's get on with the big news.

Bilgri Wins World Crown! The United States scored another spectacular, tho not completely unexpected victory in International modeling by winning first place in both "individual" and "team" positions at the initial World Champion-ship Competition for indoor endurance models held at Cardington, Bedfordshire, England, August 4-6.

Joe Bilgri, San Jose, California, was declared the World Indoor Champion after a magnificent flight of 37 minutes, 49 seconds. William Bigge of Washington, D. C., earned 3rd with 34 min., 56 sec. Carl Redlin, Detroit, third U.S.A, team member, flew his entry for 30 min., 58 sec.

Total time of the Americans was 103 minutes, ,43 seconds; this captured the coveted first-place team trophy. Manager of the U.S. group was Richard Kowalski, Detroit.

NATS PIX: Bill Ayers, Pittsburgh, Pa., reflects sentiments of National Contest flyers when the rains came ... to fly, or not to fly?

This Guy Bilgri. He's quite a modeler; assume you noted his photo leading off our National Meet roundup on page 16. A transplanted Texan (born in Amarillo), Joe works for the government's National Aeronautics and Space Administration at Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. Oakland Cloud Duster Bilgri, 42, served in the Navy for 3 1/2 years on PT boats. Still single. Com'on, gals, here's a nice steady fellow whose only fault is ruining an occasional bathtub by making microfilm in it.

We once queried J.B. on, his most memorable moment in modeling (also his most discouraging!), Although the Cardington "win" may now surplant anything else, we think you'll be interested in Joe's answer.

"My most memorable moment," he declared, "was in 1952 at the West Coast Wakefield Semi-Finals (to select a team member for the trip overseas). I had to attend on crutches, a short while before I had dropped a 50-lb block of dry ice on my foot. Manuel Andrade volunteered to proxy-fly for me. On the day before the 'Semis' at Bakersfield we wanted to get in some test hops to see how the models handled, but it was too windy. Since the Semis started at dawn in those days pre-contest testing was thus out of the question.

NATS PIX:. Unique, original free flight canard by Doug Joyce, Columbus, Ohio. Dubbed "Lightning," uses Cox .049 Thimble-Drome for power in 1/2A class.

NATS PIX: Old-time balsawood bender Carl Goldberg who forsook NYC Aeronuts for Chicago Aeronuts and became noted kit designer end manufacturer accepts (far left) famed Flying Eight-Ball trophy from publisher Jay Cleveland, previous holder.

Favorite Model pix winner is Ken Spitulski (below) with his radio controlled lake freighter.

"We elected to start with my geared 'Drifter' in the first round, so Manny wound it up. Knowing that he would cram every possible turn into the rubber motors I felt much relieved when the model was ready for launching. She made a tremendous loop right after take-off, narrowly missing a parked car. The only thing that held me up was my crutches! After the loop the model spiraled up in a nice climb, then stalled badly in the glide due to a slight warp in the rudder (which we spotted later). Despite all this we clocked 4:07. Manny went on from there to win a trip to Sweden for me with two 5-minute flights flying my long job, 'Duster.' .I found out right there flying was a lot easier than watching!

"My most discouraging moment came the same year. At the Wakefield Finals in Sweden when I was leading after the first round by almost a minute, my model, retrieved via motorcycle, was returned to me with a broken wing and stab."

Well, Joe, we think you sort of made up for an earlier International disappointment by your splendid performance this year.

Yea, Team! Step up and say hello to the other, indoor addicts who helped bring home the bacon. Carl M. Redlin, Jr., 30, Detroit, a mechanical engineer. Graduated from the University of Detroit ('54), he served 3 years in the Coast Guard. Hez a member of the Detroit Balsa Bugs. Carl is unmarried; maybe he hasn't been able to find a gal who'd put up with him and. his 60 trophies!

William R. Bigge, 33, another bachelor (!), works for the Bureau of Standards in Washington as a physicist. Bill attended the University of Maryland, is both a model expert and full-size glider pilot. He is active with the Sky Lancers of Washington, D.C. (SLOW Club), Bethesda, Md., Balsa Bashers, and Mid-Atlantic Soaring Assoc.

Unique Twin-Ringmaster by A/2C Paul Williams (right) with Pat Griffith. Column conductor and friends, below: (1) Ben Badenoch, V.P. and Gen. Mgr. Aero Hydraulics Div., Vickers, Inc., Sperry Rand Corp.; (2) Al Lewis; (3) John P. Glass, Pres., Clifton Precision Prod.; (4) Hewitt Phillips, NASA; (5) Capt. John Bartol, USN.

NATS PIX: One nice thing about National meet nowadays is annual selection of Miss Model Aviation from finalists who live near host-NAS. Top contenders, above.

NATS PIX: For 3rd time Joe Coles wins Testor's best-finish award; looks like this is better'n a trip to Vic Tanney's. Admirers are Mary Lou McCoy (lt.) and Diana Sue Lewis.

An .advanced experimenter with model helicopters and autogiros, WRB has held numerous National records in these categories. Incidentally, don't confuse Bill (who was born in Ann Arbor, Mich.) with Jim ... we mean James Baggi of Detroit, a senior-class indoor flyer who did very nicely this year and last at the Nats.

Congrats, again, to Bilgri, Bigge & Redlin, Inc. (Inc.? Sure, including manager Kowalski!)

My Favorite Model. Our $25 photo-award winner is Ken Spitulski, Toledo, Ohio. His favorite, that lake freighter, is 54" long, has 8 1/4" beam, and radio controls. Fully loaded she weighs 14-lb; power is Pittman Panther electric motor. Forward and aft masts are equipped with lights for night operation.

Where did the plans come from? Nowhere. Reports Ken, "A couple of years ago a lake freighter broke loose from its winter moorings on the Maumee River here in Toledo and severely damaged one of the bridges crossing the river. Many pictures of the ship, the 'Champlain' appeared in our daily newspapers - they provided my specs."

Nice construction job, K.S. And to all would-be "my favorite model" aspirants whose photos have been returned to the staff ... remember that we want to see you in the photo, too, along with your model. Naturally, the photograph should be of sufficient quality to permit reproduction. We need black-and-white photos, preferably larger than "snapshot" size, glossy, mailed flat - not rolled. No color pix, please, unless they supplement your B&W's by showing color scheme. Include return postage with all submissions - not only to us, but to any publication.

Two-In-One. Airman Second Class Paul A. Williams stationed at Orlando, Fla., Air Force Base, submitted that interesting photo of his Twin Ringmaster. This should make the folks at Sterling Models very happy since it was constructed from not one, but two kits.

Reports Paul, "I added 14" to the center of the wing and tail assembly. Other modifications include landing gear installed in the wing and full wheel pants. It flies fast and smooth with two Fox 35's." (This should please Duke Fox, too!)

Back to PAW: "The pretty girl holding the plane is Miss Pat Griffith of Orlando. (Sorry, gang, Paul does not include her address.) The plane received 9 coats of Stearman Red Aero-Gloss, (Now Al Davenport of A-G breaks out in a big smile.) A total of 135 man-hours went into my pride and joy."

Paul, you certainly made a lot of folks mighty happy with your two-in-one project as well as your two-in-one photo ... beautiful model, beautiful girl. We're sending you the customary $10 we pay for individual photos featured in this department. Suggest you take Pat to dinner and a show. Afterthought: if you're married, select some lucky USAF buddy as your representative.

Fantastic Radio Models!

NATS PIX: Smooth flying canard was surprise performer at '61 Nationals. Original design by Don Krupp, Metichen, N. J. Spans 60", Fox 35, Orbit single equipment, Most pulser, modified Mighty Midget servo.

First successful jet R/C scale (left) is Dyna-Jet powered 103" span Lockheed U-2 by Ralph Saldivar, Fresno, Calif., Radio Modelers club. Took 300 hours building, weighs 10 1/2 pounds. Eight channel radio runs rudder, ailerons, elevator and elevator trim, cuts jet off on "full down". Test piloted by Jerry Nelson, glides beautifully.

NATS PIX: Right - Walt Schoonard of Winter Park, Fla., exhibited Torp 45 powered F8U Crusader. Spans 4'; 5 1/2 pounds. Bramco 10-chan. relayless, Bonner servos. Wing area 690 sq. in., 2412 airfoil, 22" chord at root.

NATS PIX: Left - Maxey Hester, Des Moines, Iowa, with P-63 Kingcobra. Torp 45; 7 1/2-lbs; 70" span. Klinetronics 10-chan. superhet; Bonner Transmite. Claude McCullough, Ottumwa, Iowa, and his Fairey Barracuda "V" (below); rudder-elevator-motor-aileron control. Oh, yes, and it drops a torpedo, too! Spans 70"; 11-lbs. McCoy 60; Bramco 10-chan. relay less; 52-mc; Bonner servos. Has absolutely gorgeous finish, typical McCullough thoroughness.

Stamp Collector? No, you have the wrong mag. We're still waiting for an exhaust collector. E. H. Schieve, whose normal business is printing and advertising novelties, has developed an exhaust collector for all Cox .049 engines. Photo shows it on a Babe Bee. One ex-col was supposed to have been sent for our examination, but at press time all we had was that tiny photo and a statement which says in part:

"Main advantages are to direct castor oil residue down and off the model, prevent grit from entering exhaust ports. Flexible connector between long tube and sleeve permits mounting at any 90-degree position. By adding a connecting link, R/C flyers can use this as an exhaust choke speed control."

Does it act as a silencer? No, but "noise level is reduced to a deep-throated sound, probably more acceptable to noise-conscious communities. Test flown for more than 3 years, it has met with the approval of local fliers."

Sells for $1 postpaid in USA; contact E. H. Schieve, 860 Santa Cruz Ave., Dayton 10, Ohio.

Exhaust collector fits Cox 049 engines, directs fumes away from model; see column for data.

Yup, It's "No More." Pan-Am has dropped its sponsorship of the weight-lifting model events so long identified with the international airline. Here is a copy of Pan-Am's post-1961 Nats telegram to the AMA:


OLD TIMERS' SPECIAL! We don't think anybody under 40 years of age should be permitted to build this. If you're younger don't mention the fact when you write to Hobby Helpers for their full size drawings on Group Plan #1161 (60c) which includes Radi-O-Too and "Slingshot" combat winner.

As the remarkable event passes into modeling history we salute a fine sponsor and two wonderful, hard-working, model-minded airline executives. We imagine Bill (the quiet one) Winter will be commenting at length on the payload free flights in his "No Strings Attached" column in our December issue. Shall we all be on hand for that session?

Other Changes. K&B Mfg. Corp., a subsidiary of Aurora Plastics Corp., is in a new, modem plant at 12152 South Woodruff, Downey, Calif. Phone? WAlnut 3-5493. Occupy it in good health, fellows.

Myrtle, Brown "Mom" Robbers and Donald Chester Coad were married at St. James Lutheran Church in San Leandro, Calif. "Mom" is the long-time, hard working ,sparkplug of the Western Associated Modelers organization. Our very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Coad; we know thousands of readers join us in this because they know how much Mrs. Coad has contributed to the development of American youth through her modeling leadership.

Dates? Got a Couple Right Here. In Indianapolis at the Manufacturers Building, Indiana State Fairgrounds, will be held the 12th Hobby and Gift Show sponsored by The Indianapolis Star. November 11-19; last year more than 100,000 attended, all "Do-It-Yourself" Hoosiers.

The Flying Bisons of Buffalo, N. Y., have plans firmed up for the January 1962 R/C Get-Together to be held again at the Clinton Aire Motor Hotel adjacent to Buffalo Airport. Enthuses Jim Moynihan, general chairman, "The entire hotel has been reserved because of the growth of this event. Many new items on the agenda, including low-cost air tours of the ice-clad Niagara Falls via Aero Commander. On the R/C schedule, more mfrs than ever will exhibit the newest gear; prizes for amateur airplanes and equipment; top names in R/C will be there."

It's January 20-21; details available from general Jim at 297 Ashford Ave., Tonawanda, N. Y.

International Association of Automotive Modelers, in its 12th year with 200 members, will conduct its annual meeting - open to all - at Dowst Manufacturing Company's plant, 600 N. Pulaski Rd., Chicago, on October 28-29. Along with a 4-category model car exhibit (antique, classic, sports, grand prix), members and visitors will tour the plant, see the making of model road racing sets (Tootsietoy and Strombecker), For data on IAAM and/or the meeting contact association Prexy Tom McLaughlin, 10609 S. Depot, Worth, Ill.

Hobby Biz/Shop Talk. Everything needed to "fly-by-night" is available from America's Hobby Center, Inc., 146 W. 22nd St., New York 11, N. Y. This 98c set has wiring instructions, red-green-white lightweight "pea" lamps, hook-up wire, aluminum penlight battery box, mounting bolts-nuts, single-pole, single-throw slide switch. A spectacular addition to any plane (Ukie, free flight, R/C) or boat.

The man with all the warship scale drawings for sale, Edward Wiswesser, has moved. His new address: 407 North 25th St., Pennside, Reading, Pa. Tell your boat-happy model fiends ... opps, we mean, friends, will ya?

Aaron Viller, AM's jolly ad-man on the West Coast. tells us that Al Davenport of Pactra (which acquired A-J Aircraft, the Jim Walker line) has his staff hard at work re-packaging the well-tested American Junior offerings. They will expand the marine hardware line (we can hear the whoops of joy across the country from the model boatmen); the inexpensive balsawood gliders and rubber planes are being modernized. Walker's famous U-Reely control-line handle will be made of high-strength styrene and 25% lighter ... it will also be sold "knocked-down" for the hobbyist who wants to save money (more whoops, this time from the Ukie clan).

Contributors' Alley. Used to be Allen's Alley (ask Gramps), but we bought up all the buildings along with Boardwalk and the Utilities Group. Let's knock on the first door here. Ah, good evening, sir. You're ... ?

Herb Clukey. Not Clunkey, hey? Born in Jackman, Maine, in 1925. At the age of 6 I was presented with a stick model airplane; with Dad's help got it finished. Started designing my own crates at 13. Navy enlistment, no building, marriage, three children, settled in Owensboro, Ky. Met my first set of control lines. Started contest work in '51. Scale proved my dish - with a Fleet built from Air Trails plans I won 7 firsts, 2 seconds in 9 contests.

After some stunt model success, went back to free flight with a biplane design I have been reworking ever since - Radi-O-Too. At least 13 modifications have been turned out, from 6-footers to quarter-A's. My latest venture is Flyline Models. I will be kitting some of my own designs, the first being "The Penny-Trater." This 25 1/4" span, 8 3/4-oz low-wing radio plane derives its name from 1) the way it flies, and 2) its low cost. Loops and wingovers have been executed in numerous flight tests and she'll fly all day "hands off." The radio gear that can be carried is identical to the Radi-O-Too, as well as escapements such as Bonner, Citizen-Ship PSN or SE. Plans will show the latter two since mounting is identical.

Kits will be available by mail for $5.95, plus 25c postage. All parts, hand-cut, are only what I'd use myself. Parts will be available, as well as various components - covered or uncovered, right up to fully-built Penny-Traters, Plans are $1.50, plus 10c postage. I expect to kit Radi-O-Too, too.

P.S. Dealer inquiries invited! Address for America's newest balsawood kit manufacturer: Flyline Models, 133 Ashby Place, Fairfax, Va. May Flyline enjoy a long and successful career; this guy Herb comes highly recommended as an outstanding designer.

Where Were We? Oh, yes, next house here on Contributor's Alley. Ah, hello, sir, I see your letterbox says you're Mr. Overn?

Not just my letterbox, pal, I say so too. Don't be formal, pal, just call me Bud.

Your claim to fame, Mr. Ove ... ah, Bud?

Getting that Bill Barnes "Silver Lancer" Quarter-A free flight profile plan onto pg. 40 of this issue, You wouldn't believe how long the editors have been sitting on that item ... you'd think their pants would be full of balsa splinters by now! Got started building models (I knew you'd ask that routine question) in 1934 via the August issue of Bin Barnes, Air Adventurer. Yep, I still have that copy! Also a wife and three daughters - 8, 3, and 3 months ... guess we'll just have to keep trying until a boy comes along to shag F/F for me. After extensive medical training and two years with the Army's 97th Infantry Division, I'm a hospital technician. Fooled around with falconry (live birds, pal) while in jr-sr high school, long afterwards built a Jetex powered "scale" falcon. Flew pretty good, even better with a A/2 glow engine. Even though I have turned out scads of models, I consider myself strictly a Sunday Sport Flyer.

What's that? Of course I get out and fly my free flights during the week. You trying to be a wise guy or something? (Sound of front door slamming.)

Last House on the Block. Knock, knock. Good evening, sir, we're from American Modeler ...

Howdy, friend! Don't just stand there with your mouth ahangin' open like the firehouse door after little Johnny Mears tried to burn down the Emporium Department Store on a busy Saturday night! Well, let's see, I was born in Kemp. Of course that's in Texas spelled T-E-X-A-S. And now here I am in Lubbock managing the Jones Hobby Craft outfit. Got started modeling in 1956 helping Bentley Page Jr. try to fly a ready-built. Shore ah'm married; Kay'd murder me if I didn't mention Bobby Dale, 8, and James Jr. (we call him Andy), 4. Besides modeling I'm mixed up in lodge work, bowling leagues and the PTA.

Won quite a few top awards in stunt, combat, rat racing and proto around Texas and in New Mexico, but let's not worry too much about those. I'm more proud of having organized the Slaton Mad Modelers - of course Slaton's in Texas! You from some foreign country like the United States or something? Have been active in the Lubbock Texans club, holding various offices, currently serving as contest director.

Open A Hobby Shop? If the thought has passed through your head listen to this: Having received many inquiries from retailers outside the model field and from interested model builders, the Western Model Aviation Manufacturers organization has prepared a booklet as an aid in establishing an engine-powered model airplane department. A recommended basic starting inventory is included. Booklet and inventory sheet will be available by writing to WMAM Motor Shop, % American Modeler Editor, Street & Smith Publications, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y.

Club Emblemized Sportshirts. Got a source for sweatshirts and jackets which can be purchased with your club emblem lettered thereon. Folks keep contacting us about where to get such items. So we're glad to pass along word that Action Sportswear, 8133 Rosewood, Kansas City 15, Mo., offers "quality club-wear designed especially for modelers, at a price everyone can afford." That's what the man sez, For details on cost, sizes, materials write the A.S. outfit.

Almost Forgot! Two important address changes ... important to you if you want your AM subscription to be handled or renewed in jig-time, important if you want to write the editors and reach them without delay.

First change refers to "subs" ... all remittances and/or correspondence about SUBSCRIPTIONS or undelivered subscription copies, and any CHANGE OF ADDRESS for someone holding a current subscription should be sent to American Modeler, Subscription Department, Boulder, Colorado: Got that? Good.

Now, about writing the editors, authors, columnists, or sending photographs and/or drawings to the editorial HQ .... there's a brand new address for AM's editorial mail room. Send all such mail to Editorial Department (or "Editor"), American Modeler, Street & Smith Publications, 420 Lexington Avenue, New york 17, N. Y. That editorial address also will appear on the contents page.




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