KeilKraft was one of the prime
manufacturers of model airplane kits, engines, and supplies in the UK in the middle
of the last century. This full-page advertisement for their line of engines and
fuel appeared in a 1960 issue of the British magazine Aero Modeller. eBay has many KeilKraft engines and other items available.
KeilKraft Engine Ad
Chosen by Champions everywhere!
Stunt Expert Brian Horrocks - who used K.K. Record Methanex in his Glo-Chief
49-powered stunt model to win the Gold Trophy at the 1959 British Nationals, says:
"I find it gives the flexibility necessary to cope with all sorts of manoeuvres
without any special tank arrangements. That is the reason for my choice of Methanex."
Look for the Fuels in the Green and Yellow Cans!
Free-Flight Expert Dave Posner - used K.K. Record Super-Nitrex in his Cox Olympic
15-powered model to win the 1959 British F.A.I. Power Team Trials, scoring eight
successive maximums!

KeilKraft Nitrated Diesel Fuel 1/2 pint 3/-
KeilKraft Nitrated Diesel Fuel 1 pint 5/-
KeilKraft Record Powerplus Diesel Fuel 1/2 pint 3/6
KeilKraft Record Methanex Glow Fuel 1/2 pint 3/-
KeilKraft Record Methanex Glow Fuel 1 pint 5/6
KeilKraft Record Nitrex 15 Glow Fuel 1/2 pint 4/-
KeilKraft Record Super Nitrex Glow Fuel 1/2 pint 6/6
All Blended with BP Lubricating Oil for Cleaner Running
Get some from your model shop and try it out at your next flying session!
KeilKraft Record Fuels are Ideal for All Makes of Engines
Kindly mention AeroModeller when replying to advertisers
Posted September 10, 2016