RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe

R/C Notes
January 1956 Popular Electronics

January 1956 Popular Electronics

January 1956 Popular Electronics Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents] People old and young enjoy waxing nostalgic about and learning some of the history of early electronics. Popular Electronics was published from October 1954 through April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged. See all articles from Popular Electronics.

When Popular Electronics began publication in October of 1954, its editors included both radio control modeling and amateur radio as regular features. The magazine's target audience was made up of professional, student, and hobbyist electronics aficionados who often mixed their interest in electronics with another hobby; e.g., the aforementioned R/C and Ham radio, but also counted amongst readers were audiophiles looking for top-notch systems, do-it-yourselfer (DIY) domestic gadget makers, and automotive enthusiasts. It might seem like today there is not as much interest in such endeavors as in times past, but the plethora of hobby type magazines still being published in hard copy, electronically, or both, suggests otherwise.

R/C Notes

R/C Notes, January 1956 Popular Electronics - Airplanes and Rockets

Those of you who have hesitated to get into radio control work, saying that it's too complicated, or that "I don't know anything about radio," please look at the photo at the right. It shows E. L. Friend of Las Cruces, New Mexico, who won the single-channel radio control event at the National Championships held at the Los Alamitos Air Station in California. The plane shown here is Ed's first radio-controlled model!

Credit for the reliable radio equipment should go to Babcock Radio Engineering, Inc., of Van Nuys, Calif., for it was their BCR-3 receiver and BCT-2 transmitter that enabled a novice in the field to snatch first place away from the experts.

E. L. Friend of Las Cruces, New Mexico - Airplanes and Rockets

Recently we received a mimeographed letter from Mr. Irving Megeff of Electronic Specialty Supply Co. (ESSCO), of New York City, which has an urgent message for the R/C modeler's fraternity. The letter points out that at the time of writing the FCC had on file a total of only 12,500 licenses for R/C and other equipment in the Citizen's band of 27.255 mc. When it is realized that upwards of 60,000 modelers are actively engaged in the use of this band, the neglect of many to register with the FCC gives a black eye to our hobby. But even more important than that, the FCC at present has a totally incorrect view of the use of the Citizen's band by R/C hobbyists. How does this affect us?

Radio Control Club of Chicago - Airplanes and Rockets

Well, for one thing, the demand for channels by other services is so great that the FCC seems to feel that the small occupancy of the Citizen's band by model control enthusiasts does not warrant an exclusive channel. Consequently, the FCC has issued licenses for mobile services, traffic control services, and others to use this channel despite the fact that it has created a source of interference for the R/C modeler.

RC^3 (Radio Control Club of Chicago) - Airplanes and Rockets

At this point, there is one thing that can be done by all you R/C modelers to impress the FCC with your claim to the 27.255-mc. band, i.e., send to the FCC a completed Form 505 for the R/C transmitter you use. And ask your friends to do the same.

Radio Control Club of Chicago (RC-cubed) - Airplanes and Rockets

Shown below are some scenes from the recent meet of the R/C3 (Radio Control Club of Chicago). More data on this club will be given in the next issue. 




Posted April 18, 2015

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RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe

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