German Focke-Wulf "F.W. 190"
R.A.F. Tries Out a Downed German Fighter & Pilot "Blows Up" Hood of Cockpit
to Bail Out
Although a great fighting plane, tests of a German Focke-Wulf "F.W. 190," which
landed intact in England, reveal it to be somewhat less than the phenomenal ship
at first believed. At its best in altitudes between 20,000 and 24,000 feet, where
it reaches top speed, the sky fighter is formidable only above 16,000 feet. Drawings
above indicate other interesting and outstanding features, and the inset, extreme
lower righthand corner, shows some comparisons with Britain's Spitfire. Although
the electrically operated undercarriage is rated among the best, aerodynamically
the ship is poor, being hard to fly owing to its high landing speed. Provisions
for the pilot are good. He can bailout quickly by jettisoning the whole cockpit
hood at pressure of a key. Total weight of fire from the four cannon and two machine
guns amounts to about 610 pounds a minute, but is less effective than might appear
because of the short machine-gun range and poor hitting power of the Oerlikon cannon.