Note: All poems are copyrighted and may not be used without
permission. Write to me, and I will be glad to grant it. Credit must be given to Art Blattenberger.

Art Blattenberger, Classified Ad Manager, Evening Capital Newspaper, November
21, 1969
My father, Arthur "Art" Blattenberger, worked as the Classified Department manager
at The Evening Capitol newspaper. He worked there from the time I was born until the
day he died on March 3, 1981. I was in the Air Force at Loring AFB, Maine, at the time the
call came from my aunt. It was a shock to everyone, particularly to my mother and three school-age
sisters still living at home.
His disposition was upbeat, and he loved nothing more than being home with his family (although
my five sisters and I - particularly I -could make his life pretty miserable at times). Dad
was a funny guy who tried to create a home environment like the one he remembered from his
childhood in Lackawanna, NY. His father and brothers worked at the Bethlehem Steel mills a
few blocks away from their row house. Two parents and seven or eight kids lived in that house
at one point. Today, when families of Illegals from Mexico live in those conditions, we're
told they are underprivileged and are owed a handout.
While at the Evening Capitol, Dad published an occasional poem in a columns titled. "The
Works of Art - Idle Thoughts on Just About Any Subject." Those poems' subjects ranged
from the births of his children, to the assassination of JFK, to odes to firemen. The ones
posted below are from a collection put together by my sister, Gayle (who was my father's
biggest admirer), after he died.
Some day, as time permits, I'll have to scan in some of the many letters that he wrote to
me while I was in the
U.S. Air Force. They usually combined drawings, newspaper clippings, and other original
bits with the text of the letter. Colored Flairs used for highlighting, coffee stains, and
who-knows what else might have ended up on the paper by the time he was ready to send it.
If you ever get the chance to read them, you'll bust a gut laughing. Enjoy.
Allow Me to Introduce MyselfApril 22, 1958 Dear Reader please I'd
like to say I'll be writing this column each Thursday To try to tell in thoughts that
rhyme The things I think of all the time.
Though I'm no Kilmer, Keats or Poe Or Whittier or Longfellow, I'll try to satisfy
your quest Of thoughts you like to read the best.
If my words do not suffice I think it would be very nice If you write me anytime
Of the thoughts you'd like to see in rhyme.
Address your letter directly to me At Edgewater Box 303, And I will do my very best
To poetically answer your request.
So join me on my poetic tours While I hope that my thoughts can be yours With sincere
concern right from the heart I hope you enjoy the "Works of Art."
Art Blattenberger
Verse to a NurseMay 11, 1958 I'm in favor of a well earned hail
For the progress of Miss Nightingale, To the girls in white who work unsung To save
the sick, the old, the young.
From Clara Barton to Edith Cavell To the Women's Nurse Corps they've all served well.
Their actions are quick, their speech is terse, These personalities personify a nurse.
Their chores are many and varied too, Their main concern is in helping you. A constant
smile must grace their face As they perform at a breakneck pace.
They give you a needle or maybe a pill Or put your flowers on the window sill; They
rub your back or change your bad And fluff your pillow to rest your head.
They listen to your pains and aches, They know what medicine each patient takes;
The Delivery room where new babies are born Is constantly busy from night 'til morn.
They say new mothers are not much bother The trouble seemingly rests with father,
But they reassure him when he starts to fret, "We haven't lost a Father yet."
So let's give credit where credit is due With a big salute for the work they do,
And hope some day we may reimburse God's gift to humanity
her name is Nurse.
Art Blattenberger
GayleMay, 1958 Tho I'm married, I'm in love With a girl who's
very sweet With eyes that sparkle like stars above And of stature so petite.
I've confessed my feelings to my wife She took the news quite well; I said that
I would give my life For this girl I think's so swell.
Some nights she likes to stay up late, Each day she's getting bolder. And I just
sit there feeling great As her head rests on my shoulder.
I guess you think I'm very bold To carry on this way, But on my heart she has a
hold And it is there to stay.
She isn't one who talks a lot, But she surely loves to drink; "Da Da"
is her one bon mot (You're getting the gist I think!)
Gayle is the name of the girl I adore, She looks like a doll I'm told. My wife
and I both love for She's our baby-she's 9 months old.
Art Blattenberger
School is OutJune 1958 Once more we hear joyous children shout
The "call of the world," "SCHOOL IS OUT." The doors are closed,
learning's left behind, Summer vacation dominated their mind.
Johnny's so happy that he needn't cram And sweat and toil on that final exam. Sally's
homework now only entails Going out to the movies and beach with her pals.
Books are heaped in a pile high Neglected, spurned, never catching an eye. The
same sleepy heads Mother couldn't wake Are now dressed and have eaten when the dawn doth
The big red schoolhouse-so busy all year Now stands empty-armed, no voices to hear,
All the wastebaskets emptied, the shades all drawn, The big clock on the wall gives
a tired yawn.
The omnipresent old school bell Has rung the season's final knell, The yellow school
bus rests once more It too has performed a forgotten chore.
The cop who led the children across the street Now stands alone on an empty beat.
The soda fountain a daily stop Is now just another deserted shop.
So let's don't begrudge them a happy vacation, Let's remember when we felt the same
sensation. Let's all of us join in and shout With a million children, "SCHOOL
Art Blattenberger
It Seems Like Only YesterdayAugust 12, 2008 Today, wee Gayle, you've
reached age one Hasn't this first year been fun? Disregarding each bump and fall
You've had a pretty good time after all.
Remember the nights when Mommy and me Would sit up and rock you on our knee And
you'd just lay there without any fuss You endeared yourself greatly to both of us.
Remember when you were still real small How we used to think you'd never grow tall
But look at you now, you've grown like a weed That came from eating all the food you
Remember how all the food you ate Had to be strained through a real fine grate
But look at you now, you're very able To eat with Mommy and me at the table.
Remember when your little legs were like rubber As soft and fat as a big whale's blubber
But look at you now, you walk with the best As a matter of fact, you seldom ever rest.
Remember when you were still just cooing And didn't really know what you were doing
But look at you now, the thing you can do You say "Mama", "Dada", "Up", "Down",
and "How do."
Yes, dear Gayle, now you're one year old You're the prettiest story that was ever told
And if you should live to a hundred and three Please, baby, remember Mommy and Me.
Art Blattenberger
It Rained... Again From Monday to Friday the sun shone bright As if by magic on Friday
night The clouds appeared, the winds blew strong The hard rains came, all weekend long.
All our plans for working outside Went down the drain, with the rising tide The
grass grew taller, the weed grew stronger Don't know if we can take this much longer.
The paint on the house looked a little more soiled As the rain beat down, and we just
Out in the garden, the corn and tomatoes Had a swimming party with the beets and potatoes
I thought to myself, "If they grow as one I'll have ready made salad," but
that can't be done.
The children were champing at the bit To go outdoors, and not just sit And watch
TV, all reruns at that Their feet were itchy, so was where they sat!
Soon they were at each other's throat "That's my crayon", "Don't touch
my boat" "Mom she hit me", "Can I go outside?" Mom's nerve
end were fit to be tied.
The weekend passes and Sunday night The children finally give up their fight And
get ready for bed, have some milk and cake And I think to myself, "Please for their
sake Make it rain all week, until Friday night Then Saturday morn, let the sun shine bright."
Don't you agree it's a terrible pain To be stuck indoors with a weekend of rain
And don't you agree, as I lay down my pen NEXT WEEKEND, YOU GUESSED IT, IT WILL RAIN AGAIN!
Art Blattenberger
The Story Behind the Story "Getcha papuh, readallaboutit" Every day the
newshawks shout it And America reads as the news is unfurled As it happens - around
the world.
But we never stop to give a thought Of what goes into that paper we've bought Of
the time and men and the deadlines to beat Before the paper hits the street.
The reporters' job is to get the story And give all the details, whether blissful or
gory With a "nose for news" they follow each lead And edit the facts so
they're easy to read.
The photographer's camera continually clicking The teletype with its tick-tick-ticking
The Office force second to none Check minutest details, they work as one.
Advertising salesmen with their layout pads Combine wisdom, forethought and appeal
in their ads Each set up to attract the buyer's eye To tell where to buy it, from whom
and why.
The composing room where the type is set With its linotypes miming a large castanet
Compositors, markup men, copy boys too Each with a definite job to do.
Then everything goes to the big press room Where the giant presses make a mighty boom
As the ink and metal cut a magical caper When they meet with a crash on the huge rolls
of paper.
"Getcha papuh, readallaboutit" Everyday the newshawks shout it And America
reads as the news is unfurled As it happens - from around the world.
Art Blattenberger
And to All a Good NightDecember 1958 As my year-old little desk
calendar tells This is the season for holly and bells For tinsel, bright lights and
shopping fuss This is the season of Merry Christmas.
Folks you haven't seen for a year Are helping you spread the season's good cheer
There's a Santa Claus in all the big stores Helping to solve your gift-giving chores.
Bright colored lights and boughs of holly Deck the town, it looks so jolly All
the store windows in their decor so gay Make you feel "It's a wonderful day."
The children are on their best behavior To help celebrate the birth of our Savior
But the things on the minds of most girls and boys Are candy and Santa Claus and a
sack full of toys.
Mother is busy with cookies and cake With socks to fill and a turkey to bake When
buying gifts she's Mrs. Claus Why does she do it? You know, because.
The cold weather has made its call And soon the first snow will start to fall The
time goes faster as the big day grows near Carols and bells are the sounds that you hear.
Then all of a sudden it's Christmas Day In a matter of minutes the gifts are astray
But it was all fun, you feel good in your heart I do too - Season's Greetings from
Art Blattenberger
I Love a Mousetry Have you ever lived within a house That you had
to share with a little mouse Or maybe, two or three or four I do - let me tell you
Each time it's cool or muggy or damp These little mice decide to camp In various
places throughout our domain And I try to catch them, usually in vain.
They scratch and gnaw and jump and run I guess it's their idea of fun They make
a mess where'er they've been If I clean it up, they mess it again.
One in particular has made a nest In a place even I consider best He makes his
home in our floor heater The first cold day, I'll fix that cheater.
I set traps and use "mouse seed" by the box But these li'l devils must be
sired by fox For they eat the seed and steal my cheese They think living with us is
really a breeze.
One of them has set his sights On a daring feat to scale new heights For it seems
to be his one desire To get twixt the wall and climb higher and higher.
But one of these days I'll declare war And not be bothered with them any more And
prove that living here wasn't so nice And they'll be nothing but a bunch of dead mice.
Art Blattenberger
Thanks...for Being What You are at 21August 18, 1979 As we look
back over your twenty-one years Some memories bring both sad and glad tears. Like
the day we came home and were quite amazed To find a hole where the window was glazed!
My memory says that one lonely night In a moment of madness, you took flight, From
the happy confines of River Road To a place that only "Kirtie knowed"!
My memory fails me when I need it most (A fact about which I don't boast). Did
you in fact, "run away" as a tot? I say you did ... Mama says not!
Remember Miss Lilly and the year you were "Pres", you gave your speech in
your mortar and fez? If he reads this today, will he recall, too, That as old as he
gets, he'll be "Igor" to you?
Recall the days of your paper route ... No paper for Aarsand if Schultz was out!
Remember him racing from Smith's to Stephen's And how we finally got "our evens"?
As Schultz ran abreast of our speeding car We stopped rather quick .. .it was quite
a jar. The door was opened, we heard a resounding - Poor Schultz's head is still apounding!!
Remember when you and Chuck strayed from home, Looking for greener pastures to roam?
You were really quite obvious and readily seen Sneakin' down wide and open Route 214!
And who can forget your "act of humanity"? Depriving poor kitty of all its
sanity ... As you closed him, alone, in the girl's bedroom, Turned out the lights,
then turned on the vacuum!
Skipping about...remember the day, You and "Der Flynn" used the back yard
to play With rockets and planes, and "Jer" was the runner, You were the
Pilot.. .and he thought it was "funner"?
We'll always recall with a wee bit of fright When your gang "stormed" Southern
that memorable night. With paint can and ladder, you scaled the high tower, In "'76"
... 'twas your signing(?) hour!
But, alas, it came out, a secret to none, Your brave deed accomplished, you had your
fun. Did we know your secret? Snitchers we ain't, (But we did sort of wonder 'bout
the clothes full of paint!)
We know you love cars, but how 'bout the time When you were just 4 - hardly your prime
- When you (Clyde) said to "Bonnie (Gayle), let's go for a ride," And had
your mother and I mortified.
'Cause you both, all dressed in pajamas and boots Had somehow gotten in cahoots.
And taken our keys and sundry supplies, But looked, when approached, with such innocent
You saw nothing wrong - you were up in years, But, when spanked, your eyes made tears!
One thing I failed to mention though ... All this took place in two feet of snow!
Did you ever thank B&D for their aid In teaching you how to make things look "mislaid"?
Then, somehow, the items you were 'lost' Turned up in your shed .. at far below cost!
Remember the night you ran straight as an arrow When you spied Mr. Cavey's super, brown
Camaro? Your very first car, paid for by you, We must say your head gained a size or
It gave you much pleasure and, alas, some sorrow, But nothing that wouldn't be "better
tomorrow". Your trophy still stands for the race you copped At Capitol Raceway
- but your race days have stopped!
The party at Friday's, given by Gayle (Who really is your closest pal!) Delighted
us all... even though you thunk We didn't know you were delightfully drunk!
We kind of thought that at 21 You'd own a part of Air Force One. Instead of that,
they turned the screw ... Now the Air Force owns part of you!
Some things can't be rhymed, but bring memories back. Here's one straight from Mom,
who words doesn't lack: "You hammered and wired your immortality into the addition
at "Ye Olde Homestead" ... not to mention the several $$ worth of material".
(I liked that so well, I didn't even try to rhyme it.)
But these are some of the things we remember, Events without seasons - from January
to December; These are the things that give sorrow and joy; These are the things that
made you "Our Boy".
Needless to say, we're pleased to confess, - We're tickled pink at your well-earned
success. If we had a chance to go back over the years Not too much would change -
except that which brought tears.
As you lay in bed at night and hear Reveille sound, And all the thoughts in your mind
abound ... Know we'd change, if we could, what we didn't do In all those years we
grew up with you.
But we'll never change our thoughts of day one, We are so pleased that you are our
Son. You've made us proud to be able to say, "God Bless You ... We Love You ...
Love, Mom & Dad
Art Blattenberger
Written for Brenda 1) I know a girl who was mad
Because she was sad
2) One day she started to ride And kicked the horse on its side
She put her foot in the stirrup It was filled with chocolate syrup
3) Her horse started to eat hay The horse got tired and started
to lay But Brenda rode by the river bay
4) I really have to go now (so) My horse is going to take a
5) Now I have to send This saying happens to be The End
By Bonnie Blattenberger
Oh Those PrimariesApril 1958 That time of year has come once more
When political aspirants by the score Decide that they have found the key To running
our fair community.
They've got their platform, they've got their speech And at the top of their lungs they
screech That "My opponent has promised you Things that he will never do."
New mud is slung at each election Lest we may make the wrong selection And pick
the "despicable candidate Who chooses to run on another slate."
I remember when it was a sin For a woman to try to become an "in," But
this primary will quash that hex (For a third of the hopefuls are of the weaker sex!!)
So follow the news that's printed each day And read what each aspirant has to say;
About his plans if he's elected And why you'll be glad he was selected.
Then on the twentieth day of May We - the people - will have our say When we have
evaluated pro and con The platform that each one stands upon.
So if we want to have a voice In electing the candidate of our choice Let's get
out and vote, and remember friend, OUR candidate will win in the end.
Art Blattenberger
Dear MomMay 1958 Why do we wait 'til Mother's Day Before we
find the words to stay How much she means to you and I; I'm guilty too, I don't know
When we need help and there is no other We know we can depend on "Mother"
Who always has a consoling word After your troubles she has heard.
If there's a fight 'tween sister and brother The moderator is always "Mother"
Whose years of training have told her that Kind words to each will end the spat.
Fixing meals is still another Chore that is always left to Mother. Being careful
that the food delights And soothes those savage appetites.
We never seem to have a qualm Or give a thought to calling "Mom" When things
are going smooth enough, We wait until the times get rough.
So I for one am glad hat they Have set aside a "Mother's Day" For it's
the day we have a chance To tell her she's still "our first romance."
Art Blattenberger
Dad - The Family Ruler, Every Inch a ManJune 1958 It seems as though
we never bother To write a song or poem for Father. We write of Mother, the Bride
and the Grad, But seldom do we mention Dad.
He's off to work at the break of dawn He bathes the dog, he mows the lawn. But
the note that makes it rather sad Is that we never really appreciate Dad.
He buys the car for the family to use, He works so the children have clothes and shoes.
He's a carpenter, painter, the children's horse. And the family's spare dish wiper,
of course.
He's Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, He seems to have a tree that grows money.
When the sink's stopped up or the car needs repair, Count on Dad, he'll be right there.
We laugh at all the junk he collects From rusty bolts to parts of old wrecks, But
in a pinch when we need that "junk" Dad smiles as he pulls it from his old tool
He's the family counselor when troubles arise, In a game with the kids, he's "one
of the guys." He spares not the rod ere he spoils the child, (But his hardest whacks
somehow seem mild).
But let's not only be proud for a day, Let's treat him with kindness in every way
And show him with meaning we're really glad To prove to him there's no one like Dad.
Art Blattenberger
It Could Happen to YouJuly 27, 1958 What a wonderful day it was
for me When I gazed with starry eyes to see A brand new car where my old one once
stood, Needless to say it made me feel good.
What could be the occasion for this? I searched my mind, but my thoughts went amiss,
It wasn't my birthday or Christmas and yet Here was this car that I was to get.
I took the occasion in surprising good grace And tried to withhold the blush from my
face As I sauntered up to this spanking new car, I opened the door and my mouth went
There on the seat was a neat little bag So full of something it made the sides sag.
As I opened the bag with hesitant hands I could feel a pulsating in my glands.
I steadied myself against the door And emptied the contents onto the floor. As
an unending stream of coins rained down, My expression changed to a smile from a frown.
This wasn't the end of my grand surprise For another sweet sight just caught my eyes.
Tacked to the door was a neatly typed note Here's what it said, and now I quote:
"Present to the bearer on his demands All the clothes he can get in his hands,
Charge it to me and don't let it be known" Who did this or why, I felt chilled
to the bone.
The note was made out to the best store in town And once again I started to frown.
The note was signed with only one letter, This didn't make the situation much better.
I looked around with a careful eye Lest I should let more good fortune pass by.
What more could I ask? Who did this for me? To whom do I owe my thanks for this spree?
When all of a sudden I felt in my back A stabbing pain, a heart attack? I fell
to the floor and let out a scream It woke me up, it was only a dream.
Art Blattenberger
As I See ItJuly 1958 The season is here for those men and women
Who spend their spare time at the beach goin' swimmin' Who wear shorts or skirts or
bathing suits In place of last winter's overcoat and boots.
It's my good fortune to work part time At one of these beaches where the scenery's
sublime So enjoy with me the folks that I meet As I patrol my bar-tending beat.
A little girl chased by a little boy Wildly screaming but filled with joy Kicking
sand as they run in everyone's face Scattering lunches and beach balls all over the place.
A lobster-red face on a sunburned man Who had probably only hoped for a tan Just
makes you think how he must dread Putting that blistered red back of his in bed.
The pretty girls not missing their chances Of getting their share of admiring glances
Are certain to show cute dimpled knees And dress in the latest, of course, the chemise.
A hapless mother screams to her daughter To make sure that she stays out of deep water
But a splash and a squeal give the mother the word That her warning calls have gone
A lassie walks by with a flower in her hair It look like the wind just blew it there
But her face, I must say, without a doubt Looks much better IN the water than out.
Folks in bathing suits of all descriptions Some are goof tis, others conniptions
I say bathing suits are made for those blessed With some sort of shape-I look better
Art Blattenberger
Fascination One of the nicest feelings by far Is the one I get
when I gaze at a star It twinkles in the clear night sky It almost seems to wink its
If I should gaze around some more I see little bright stars by the score Each so
happy that the sky is clear That they seem to twinkle from ear to ear.
Although I'm not really superstitious They say that you'll get all your wishes
If you'll close your eyes very tight And wish on the Evening Star each night
Is there a man with eyes so bright Who turns the starlight on each night? Or are
they left to go astray And twinkle all throughout the day?
I think it must be the Man in the Moon Who sees that they don't shine too soon
He sits up there with a great glib smile Tending the stars all the while.
I've never seen a star so bright As the one I'm gazing at tonight As I made my
wish-a though occurred He winked at me-He must have heard
Art Blattenberger
Remember? Time has a way of passing you by Year disappear 'fore
you bat an eye In looking thru my memory book One item commanded a second look.
Something that was once close to my heart My collection of poems, "The Works
of Art. "
Years ago, when I was first married Life was more leisurely, not hurried and harried
I'd sit in my chair most every night And my moving hand was compelled to write
Of idle thoughts most of the time And soon I noted I was writing in rhyme.
I wrote of our first daughter, Gayle 'Twas of her first birthday and her dog friend "Pal"
Sixteen years have since gone by, when I wrote of "the apple of our
eye" Now she's a Senior at Southern High How did I let the years slip by??
So much has happened since those days Things have changed in so many ways Fires
and death and crises galore Unbelievable prices at "the store" Riots and
murders by the score And the ubiquitous killer, "war."
Our family grew, one by one Soon we had Kirt, our only son Six years passed, then
you've never seen a Baby cuter that our next born Tina.
Life went on and things were fine 'Til January of Sixty Nine Our nerves were full
of needles and pins As the doctor came out and announced, "IT'S TWINS" Bonnie
and Brenda, now breathing life Were to challenge the sanity of me and my wife.
From time to time I'll sit in my chair And write of "the Twin," an incorrigible
pair Of Gayle and Kirt and Tina and "things" On whatever thoughts my memory
brings I hope you'll take time to share with me My humble attempts at poetry as I
write what I feel, I write from the heart And I hope you'll enjoy "The Works of Art."
Art Blattenberger
Red, Black and Blue This is the tale of one man's power And how
he makes his people cower Never stopping to give a thought That soon that power may
be naught
The papers choose to call him "K" So we will let it go that way The point
I'm trying to get across Is what's in the mind of the Communist boss.
His one advantage is in having two faces As he spreads his lies in different places
With one face he preaches "I'm your friend" While the other face says "You'll
be ours in the end!"
He's made the people in his land Jump at his every harsh command Where they've
got to the point they're afraid to speak Or they'll be in a slave camp the following week.
The "little people" it is sad to note Elected him premier on a "One
Ticket" vote So now he was the solo voice As to what they eat, where they work
- there's no choice
The people in Russia are used to this life Of nothing but hunger, fear and strife
But maybe one day they'll all rebel And cause an uprising equal to Hell.
Then this big brave man with all his confessors Will go the way of his predecessors
'Cause as far fetched as the thought may seem In the minds of his people Freedom reigns
Art Blattenberger
Letter Men, AllApril 16, 1959 V is for the valor
shown when there is work to do O is for ordinary men who help make up
this crew L is for the lives they save by actions quick and smart
U is for unending service from these men with a heart N
is for the nothingness they receive for pay T is for the time they give,
no matter night or day E is for the effort put forth by all these
men E is for ever-readiness, over and over again R
is the reason these men risk their lives
F is their future, their kiddies, their wife I
is for integrity, inborn in all these men R is for the right thing at
the right place and when E is for equipment from a truck down to a hose
M is for money they must have to buy all those A is for alarms that
sound a woeful call for aid N is for their nattiness when in a dress parade
So here's to the men on the big red truck Who know what they're doing-they don't trust
to luck These letters spell their story-their actions prove their worth Let's all give
a rousing hand to these bravest men on earth.
Art Blattenberger
The World MournsNovember 26, 1963 The world now mourns, in deepest
sorrow The passing of a man A man whose hopes for a good tomorrow Where his life,
his dream, his plan
In the midst of it, the dream was shattered By a single shot, from where? A great
man fell, blood-besplattered Horror filled the air
The doctors worked and gave their all As he lay there on the bed It wasn't enough,
they had to report OUR PRESIDENT IS DEAD.
The shocking news, the instant grief The entire world appalled The bewildered look
of disbelief Our leader had been called.
One man, one thought, one bullet Blasted from one gun His dastardly deed accomplished
And now, he must run.
But the world didn't stop, just hesitated To steady shaken ground The search was
on, in a very short time A suspect has been found.
A snickering face, beady eyes Smirking all the while Protesting innocence to the
last But he never went to trial
For in our midst was another man With malice in his heart He killed the man who
shot the gun That tore our world apart.
But we'll go on and do our work As Americans always do With our heads held high
as we surely know He would have wanted us to.
To a family bereaved, our hearts go out Please know we share your sorrow Free men
will work to attain his goals AND THERE WILL BE A GOOD TOMORROW.
Art Blattenberger
For 21 years you were part of us Part of the "Blattenberger Fuss" Thru
good times and bad, sickness and fun No matter what, You were Number One.
Thru measles & colds & sprained ankles too If an accident happened, it happened
to you. Little incidents, some serious, some not Made us wonder about our "Glorious
Then all of a sudden Mike's gain was our loss You're still "Our Gayle", But
now Gayle Ross No matter the place, No matter the name Our feelings for you are always
the same.
Our wish for you as in the years past Whether a babe in arms, or in bed in a cast
Is for each passing year continue to add More happiness for you, LOVE MOM & DAD.
P.S. From you sisters and far-away brother: In all of their minds there is no other
You're still Number One, The Greatest "Big Sister" All of 'em say "We've
certainly missed her."
That's a real tribute and reason for joy From three young girls & a not-so-young
boy What we're trying to say, Even tho' you're away Is ... WE LOVE YOU ... AND
Art Blattenberger
GayleAugust 12, 1980 You're No. 1 in so many ways You've brightened
our life on so many days It's nervous to think of the years that clicked by Since
23 years ago when we heard your first cry.
So much has happened, sad things and good We've made your life happy, as best we could
You're the first of "the five", we all love you dearly But this time comes
around, no ducking it, yearly.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us, lots of love and kisses From your far-away brother, and 3 darling
sisses(?) In the pecking order, when all's said and done You're not always right,
but always No.1!
Love, Mom, Dad, K, T, and B&B
Art Blattenberger
Sleepless Nights At night as I stare up into the star lit sky My
mind starts going & I start to cry. Feeling depressed & alone, my heart starts
to weep As I sit in my room, unable to sleep. Millions of visions run through my mind
& gathering the right words together are hard to find. Prof. help has been suggested
by my friends but I don't see how that will help the nightmares end. Nothing goes
right, everything seems wrong which makes my nights seem twice as long. Headaches,
tense muscles & a stomach that feels raw I wish I could go back when I was learning
to crawl. As much as I want to accept it, it's hard to digest that my parents are
gone & they were two of the best! Not prepared for the loss (of my father) in 1981
I was at the age where my life had just begun. Now in '86 I was hit with another (loss)
due to the, 'Killer Disease', Cancer, I lost my mother. I often ask myself, now what
do I do? it feels like my life is ending & I'm only 22. It seems like nothing
will ever help heal the anger, guilt & frustration I feel. Escaping isn't the
answer, I'm finding that to be true but with no parents to guide me, what am I to do?
I guess I must move on with my life now but thinking about everything that has to be
done, I can only' say how? No matter where I am, I feel I don't really belong
cause everything I do, just seems to be wrong. My life seems worthless, why even bother?
(Going on) After all, I have no mother or father. I see myself confused, scared &
depressed & as long as I let it get to me, I'll have this pain in my chest.
Taking that big step will be a lot for me because I was never asked to take any responsibility.
Now I'm faced with something I'm really gonna dread & that's that I have to move on &
go straight ahead. I know right now, this will be my biggest test but all I can do
is give everything my best.
Mom wrote this poem as an expression of gratitude for all the love shown by friends and
neighbors. She died just a few years later of lung cancer. Both of my parents were life-long
heavy smokers. Both died at the age of 52. As I write this, I am 51 years old, and have never
smoked a single cigarette (nor the druggie type, either). Gayle is 52. She has never smoked,

Me, I'm not a poet And I know it.
Thanks for reading!