Carl Goldberg Freedom 20

Supermodel Melanie holding my Carl Goldberg Freedom 20 in Smithsburg, Maryland (1990ish)I was bale to fly my Carl Goldberg Freedom 20 from the back yard of my house in Smithsburg, Maryland. It was a great setup and one that allowed me to fly a lot of radio control, control line, and free flight airplanes, and also allowed me to launch quite a few model rockets. Then, houses started being built in the corn fields and that put an end to the convenience. Consequently, the number of flights went way down.



Goldberg Freedom 20




My Goldberg Freedom 20, Smithsburg, MD (circa 1992)


Freedom 20
Wingspan: 55"
Wing Area: 430 Sq."
Flying Weight: 3.75 lbs.
Fuse Length: 45"
Radio: 4-Channel
Power: .15-25 2-Cycle
.20-.25 4-Cycle

(In Degrees)

Wing: 0
Tail: .5
Engine: Right 2.5
Down 6
Aileron: 3/16"
Elevator: 1/4"
Rudder: 1/2"
 Center of Gravity

Balance Point on fuse,

measured back from

wing leading edge

2-1/8" to 2-3/4"
RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe
Cafe Press

Model Aircraft Museum, AMA - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics

Tower Hobbies logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Tower Hobbies

Horizon Hobby logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Horizon Hobby

Sig Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Sig Mfg

Brodak Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Brodak Mfg