Espresso Engineering Workbook

Marks Models Windward
Note: Please contact me if you have a Windward you are willing to sell.

The Marks Models Windward was my first "real" radio controlled glider (sailplane). It had a 72" wingspan. My old OS Digitron 3-channel radio went into it at first, and then was replaced by a Cirrus 4-channel rig. If I recall correctly, the Windward lived two lives - one before the big crash, and the other after (which also eventually succumbed to a big crash). The covering for the first incarnations was silkspan and dope, and then Solarfilm was used on the second. Solarfilm is not sold any more, and as I recall was nowhere near as strong and stiff as Monokote. However, as with most aspects of my aeromodeling back then, the choice for covering materials was based almost entirely on available cash.

I would like to acquire a Windward kit for old-time sake; it will be preserved and never built. Please let me know if you have one you are willing to sell. Thank you.

The plans and kit parts are shown below.


Marks Models Windward Kit Plans & Parts - Airplanes and Rockets

The AMA Plans Service offers a full-size version of plans at a very reasonable cost. They will scale the plans any size for you.

Here are a couple photos that I pulled off the Web.

Marks Models Windward glider kit - Airplanes and Rockets    Marks Models Windward glider (not mine) - Airplanes and Rockets

Marks Models Windward glider kit                      Marks Models Windward glider (not mine)


SkyBench formerly made a laser-cut kit, with the full blessing of Mark Smith.

  • Windward - short kit (Wayback Machine saved page)

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