Control Line Capers
July 1961 American Modeler

July 1961 American Modeler

July 1961 American Modeler magazine cover Table of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

"Wild Bill" Netzeband taught me a new word in his July 1916 "Control Line Capers" column in American Modeler magazine - taciturn. It means temperamentally disinclined to talk according to Merriam-Webster. Not stopping there, he uses the word "loquacious," meaning full of excessive talk. Not normally given to the use of such highbrow language - at least in his columns - methinks perhaps Wild Bill referenced a copy of Roget's Thesaurus for this month's piece. His writing style is both elucidative and jocose (two can play this game). The AYSC held at Willow Grove NAS, is mentioned; it stands for Air Youth State Competition. The monoline versus dual line debate in control line speed was a fairly new issue in 1961, and it is still "up in the air" so to speak today. Preferences dictate in the end. 

Control Line Capers: Jul 61 | Jan 62 | Feb 62 | Oct 62 | Feb 63 | Aug 63 | Oct 63 | Dec 63

Control Line Capers

Half "A" Speed control line plans - Airplanes and Rockets

Half "A" Speed control line model airplane plans, by B.C. Harris, winner of 1960 Nationals, 94.3 mph.

"Fired Art" Jet Speed plans - Airplanes and Rockets

"Fired Art" Jet Speed model airplane plans, by Harry E. Latshaw, AMA Open Jet Speed record of 165.43 mph.

By William (Wild Bill) Netzeband

Modelers are a prolific group of anecdotists. However taciturn they may be among everyday acquaintances, when rubbed together they strike great fires of conversation about models and things to do with models. Most loquacious of us are those who can draw from experiences back when engines were all steam (old timers). I can't go back that far, but can remember the early 30's (1930's that is). So this collection of vital information will be coming regularly from now on. The assignment is a sweeping one, so expect anything (your doings, perhaps) to be covered or uncovered. We have a new broom all sharpened up.

For instance, do you still use waxed paper to protect plans from "glue"? Don't. It's really very simple. The solvents used in model cement are in the universal solvent category and as such are used to dissolve waxes and oils. Not only this, but they absorb the wax and draw it into the joint. This degrades the whole business. Ever noticed that upon pulling the frame, that the part next to the wax paper wasn't dry? It never really hardens! As a substitute try Silkspan or white jap tissue. They'll peel readily and actually reinforce the joint. We have tested this procedure and it works well.

Or set up your building board vertically. The glue drips parallel to the plans and doesn't mess up the works. It is easier to see your work also. (Ed's note - he must be joking!)

You AYSC competitors have been hearing that the 15-diesel is king of the event since the 10 points per minute on endurance pile up faster than the 2.5 points per MPH in speed. This is true, but you may surprise yourself if you plug the intake of your Combat Special. Leave a 1/8 inch diameter hole through the plug and put in mild fuel like Fox Superfuel or Supersonic 100. It goes on and on. A 1/4 inch diameter hole makes pretty good stunt runs. Further economy is available with 3 parts methanol to 1 part AA degummed castor oil and a hot plug (see Sept. 1960 AM). If this is against the rules, forget where you heard it.

The trend toward smaller ships and engines in control-line seems to be gaining impetus. Duke Fox's new .07 powerplant is a cutie and a brute for hauling loads. K&B's .06 is a nice little engine too. Both of these engines were used originally in plastic "readibuilts," but are now on the market. Fox has a new trainer for .07's, die Skyhook. When we get a kit to look over, we'll report on it. Things are stirring in this direction. Small ship development for C/L work was held back some by a lack of American engines, other than 1/2A,and by plain old lack of interest. Maybe the compact cars have something to do with it. Imagine a Nobler in an MG! (I'll get 6 letters from people who have.) Stunt men are starting down toward small ships after getting about as big as would fit in a normal automobile. Bob Gialdinni (Olympic) has a neat one, and several have already been published. They have a lot of potential. Look for more small ones, in Stunt, Trainer and Sport.

Also FAI Team Racing.

We have our work cut out for us in this one. Our teams need lots of experience to shape up for 1962 World Competition. The Europeans are several years, several minutes and several diesels ahead of us, According to Ralph Biddle, our never-tiring FAI T/R committee chairman, plans are moving ahead to hold FAI Team Race Meets separately and at AMA sanctioned meets. There will be an additional fee collected from each pilot and from each mechanic (models are not taxed), which will go into the T/R Team fund. This fund will be used to transport, feed and house the teams while on the Continent. This is a necessary and certainly worthy use for some money. We did well in the other categories last time, and with properly experienced team racers, we can clean up like a custodian in '62. Start your ship now and get busy. Time to beat is 4:27 for the 100 laps.

One or Two Lines?

A few hours after the Easter Bunny blew out of town, our phone rang. I was immediately accused of falsification in stating that Monoline had speed all to itself (I said 90%). Dick Elliot tells me that there is still a hard core of two-line artists operating and doing quite well, thank you. We'll dig into this and check back. Dick is helping Douglas Aircraft here in Indian Territory. Soon as I cabbage on to some of his speed secrets, will pass them on. "Zoom" fuel seems to help.

In the new products line, have just checked the new line of tanks from Technical Model Products Co. Their pressure tank is a jewel. It includes a pressure dome, which serves as a damper chamber and eliminates any fuel feedback thru the pressure line. It is well put together and will be sold in various capacities. They have a line of wedge tanks with vents long enough to extend thru a profile fuselage and still bend forward for ram air pressurizing. The tubing is annealed (soft) brass and can be bent easily to desired shapes. Was fascinated by their stunt tank. The vents are each long (2 3/4") and the box must be a dilly. Tank is 1 3/4 wide and is the only one on the market, to our knowledge, which will fit a Nobler without gouging the fuselage. Holds about 4 oz. of fuel, which is more than adequate for a slow pattern. The quality is high with good material and firm solder joints. Someone has certainly been thinking about the modeler and his needs.

There are rules proposals before the contest board that will affect your models and flying. Check "Model Aviation" for the active proposals and then let your contest board member know what you think about them. You have no individual vote on rules. Only CB members vote on rules. He is supposed to represent you, but he cannot reflect your opinions unless he knows what they are. These guys are well qualified, but they are not clairvoyant. So get out your pen, pencil, quill or sharp stick and write letters! It is your business.ยท

Ah, Sweet Mystery.

Life continues on its natural course ... in spite of hobbies. Ray and Virginia Randall (Open Carrier winners in '59 AND '60 Nats) announce the engagement of their Daughter, Gayle, to Bill Curry. The whole crew has wins in C/L events, and the flower girl, Betty Sue Randall, is breaking in a Firebrat. Wonder what kind of ring they will use? Congratulations, Gayle.

Send comments .concerning column items and special control line news to Wild Bill, c/o American Modeler, 575 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y.



Posted April 25, 2020

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