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Join the Flying Aces Club
December 1939 Flying Aces

December 1939 Flying Aces

December 1939 Flying Aces Cover - Airplanes and Rockets Table of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

Although this solicitation for membership to the Flying Aces Club appeared in a 1939 issue of Flying Aces magazine, it might as aptly show up in the next edition of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Model Aviation magazine, for the Flying Aces Club is still in existence lo these 83 years hence. The wording would be a little different - especially the list of Honorary Member names almost none of which (excepting maybe Pres. Roosevelt) today many people would recognize - but the theme hasn't changed. I took the time to look up and hyperlink to biographies of everyone in the list. Having been born in 1950 and being a life-long aviation aficionado, I am familiar with probably half the people. You will see a lot of aircraft designer names in there. One notable absence is Charles A. Lindberg, which makes me wonder if the "Honorary" title is bestowed upon certain people whether or not they are aware of it and accept the honor. In fact, I'm pretty sue Mr. Lindberg was an active model builder and flyer, and was a regular member of The Flying Aces Club.

Note: It took some digging to find out what "1/-" and "2/-" mean regarding prices. According to the website, it means x shillings / y pence, so 1/- is 1 shilling and no pence.

Join the Flying Aces Club

Join the Flying Aces Club, December 1939 Flying Aces - Airplanes and Rockets

Official Charters

F.A.C: Flights and Squadrons are recognized at GHQ only after they have received their official charters. These illustrated documents, printed on fine paper and portraying various features in the field of aviation, are excellent for framing and display. Their inspirational text is in keeping with the high ideals and aims of our Club. Each charter application must include a full list of proposed group members and their addresses. Each of these members must hold his regular F.A.C. card. obtained by clipping and bending in the membership coupon printed on this page. If applications are approved, Flight Charters are issued for 25¢, and Squadron Charters for 50¢. Send the correct fee with your application. It will be returned if the Charter is not granted.

Wing Your Wings

Save This Whole Coupon for Cadet or Pilot insignia of the F.A.C.

Gold finish Actual size

All members with Official Membership Cards are eligible for Cadet Wings. This coupon, with two others and 10¢ entitles members to Cadet Wings. Do not send this coupon alone. Save it until you have three. Then send them in all together with a self-addressed envelope and 10¢ to cover cost of wrapping and mailing.

All enrolled members who have won their Cadet Wings are eligible for Pilot's Wings. This coupon, with four others and 10¢, entitles Cadets to Pilot's Wings. Do not send this coupon alone. Save it until you have five. Then send them all together with a self-addressed envelope and 10¢ to cover cost of mailing.

Send the Whole Coupon

regardless of which kind of wings you wish. Separate sets of coupons are needed for each insignia. Canadians send 15¢, or three International Reply Coupons. Overseas readers send 1/-, or five Reply Coupons secured at the Post Office. Only one pair of either kind of wings to a member. If yours are lost, send 25¢ for new ones (2/- overseas).

Do Your Full Share to Advance Aviation

to advance the cause of aviation, over 50,000 men and women, boys and girls, have banded together to form the Flying Aces Club.

It is the easiest club in the world to join. Just clip the membership coupon, fill out, and mail it to GHQ with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Your official card will then be forwarded to you. After joining, you can quickly win promotion and the right to wear the various insignia of the Club.

In the Flying Aces Club there are two kinds of local organizations, known respectively as Squadrons and Flights. A Squadron must have eighteen members, including its leader. A Flight must have a total of six. You can start either of these groups in your own community by enrolling your friends in the Club, then applying for an official charter as detailed in the column at the left. Each member must hold an F.A.C. card.

Meetings and activities are conducted among the squadrons and flights according to the wishes of the members. GHQ has established no rulings in this respect, nor are there any dues or red tape whatsoever. The entire idea of the Club is a common meeting ground in an international organization for the lovers of aviation in its various phases. Many local Squadrons and Flights hold regular contests and public events. Many hold weekly meetings for model building, and instruction, and even regular flight training.

Awards and the Aces Escadrille

After the membership card, and Cadet and Pilot's wings, comes the Ace's Star. This is awarded for enrolling five new members, using, of course, a separate coupon for each. As an Ace, you are then eligible for membership in the Flying Aces Escadrille. Then you may win truly handsome awards. Among these are the Distinguished Service Medal and the Medal of Honor, two of the finest decorations that have ever been designed.

Any member who has reached the rank of Ace is eligible for membership in the Flying Aces Escadrille, an advanced organization which replaces the old G-2 unit and opens the way for participation in a definite program contributing to the forward movement of aviation.

To enroll, an Ace must apply direct to Escadrille Headquarters, giving his name, age, address, rank, and highest award already won in the Club, and enclosing a stamped, addressed return envelope. If he is approved for membership his instructions will be forwarded. Membership in the Escadrille is limited to American and Canadian members only, at present.

Special Service!

Aviator's Positive Identification Bracelet

Registration and Bracelet Only 25¢!

A valuable identification service for F.A.C. members is now offered with our World War type aviator's bracelet. Everyone now issued will bear a serial number - which is the key to your confidential identification record on file at GHQ. In emergencies where prompt identification is needed, this number may be furnished. When ordering, send your name, address, occupation and full physical description - age, height, weight, color of eyes, hair and complexion, etc., together with name and address of nearest kin. Overseas readers may receive bracelets and be registered for 2/- in coins or Int. Money Order for same amount.

Keepers of the Log

In order to keep in touch with GHQ, every squadron should appoint a member with a facility for writing as Keeper of the Log. It shall be the duty of the Keeper of the Log to send in regular reports of interesting doings of his squadron. His is an important job, because it is only by means of interesting squadron reports that life can be given to the Flying Aces Club News.

Photographs, too, are an important consideration for the Keeper of the Log. Either the Keeper himself, or any other member with a camera, should keep a photographic record of the squadron's activities, for reference purposes, to show prospective new members, and to allow a selection of pictures to be sent to GHQ for reproduction in our monthly Club News pages.

The cost of film, prints, etc., would be a legitimate charge against the squadron's own treasury or could be covered by members' contributions. A number of flights and squadrons, incidentally, send us prints which have been taken, and completely developed and printed by foto-fan members of the outfit.


In all correspondence with GHQ where a reply is desired, enclose a stamped, self-addressed return envelope with your letter. GHQ receives thousands of letters weekly, and cannot undertake to answer those who do not heed this rule.

Official Supplies

Due to popular request we have ordered a new supply of F.A.C. paper pennants. These attractive stickers, which have glue on the back so that they may he stuck onto car windows, etc., sell at 6 for 10¢, or 20 for 25¢.

We also have a new supply of swell embroidered wing insignia that'll look top-notch on your sweater. They're made of the official Flying Aces Club colors, blue and gold, and are available at 25¢ each. Order now before the supply is exhausted.

(Overseas prices: Pennants, 20 for 2/-; wing insignia, 1/6.)

I, the undersigned, hereby make application for membership in the Flying Aces Club. I agree to live up to its rules and regulations; to foster the growth and development of aviation; and cooperate with all other members in the work of spreading aviation information, building up confidence in flying for national defence and transportation. I will aim to build up the Club and its membership, and do my best to win the honors that the Flying Aces Club offers.

My name is ___________________________

Age ____ [129J

Street _______________________________

City _____________________________ State ______________________

Do you build airplane models?

Mail this application, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Canadian and overseas readers send the application, self-addressed envelope, and an International Reply Coupon worth 5¢, secured at the Post Office.

Flying Aces Club, 67 W. 44th St., New York



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