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Model Progress - Commentary
December 1962 American Modeler

December 1962 American Modeler

December 1962 American Modeler Cover - Airplanes and RocketsTable of Contents

These pages from vintage modeling magazines like Flying Aces, Air Trails, American Modeler, American Aircraft Modeler, Young Men, Flying Models, Model Airplane News, R/C Modeler, captured the era. All copyrights acknowledged.

The official Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Biography of Neil A. Armstrong mentions "Neil was part of the U.S. Navy team at the 1949 CL Speed Nats and attended the 1962 Nats." Here is what might be the only surviving photograph of Mr. Armstrong at the event, holding what appears to be a Sterling F4U Corsair control line model (I currently have one in progress). The caption states he was 32 years old at the time, which jives with his August 5, 1930 birth date (1962-1930 = 32 years). Also Don Pratt's Cox .020-powered Monogram's "poor man's Phantom" is shown. An article titled "Adding Power to Plastic Scale Planes" appeared in the previous month (November 1962) with details of the conversion. There's plenty of other good news and photos that you'll want to read and see.


Model Progress - Commentary

By Al Lewis

Neil A. Armstrong, 32, of Wapakoneta, Ohio, NASA test pilot on X-15 - Airplanes and Rockets

Neil A. Armstrong, 32, of Wapakoneta, Ohio, NASA test pilot on X-15, chosen as one of nine "second generation" spaceship pilots to fly the 2-man Gemini and moon-bound Apollo. Neil, a former model builder, is shown at the '62 National air-model championships. See photos of the full-scale N5588N Corsair at the Warbird Registry website. Maybe I'll paint my Sterling F4U Corsair in the same colors in memory of Mr. Armstrong.

Famous visitors Dick Everett and Johnnie Brodbeck - Airplanes and Rockets

Famous visitors Dick Everett (lt.) and Johnnie Brodbeck (rt.) at ribbon cutting ceremony for new PacAF model facility.

Fred Boos of the Chicago U-Liners - Airplanes and Rockets

Fred Boos of the Chicago U-Liners club constructed and donated Nats' Navy Carrier "island"

Betty Meredith is head drum majorette and a senior at Norview High School - Airplanes and Rockets

Betty Meredith is head drum majorette and a senior at Norview High School.

Bobbie Riddick (no, it's not Vicki Lawrence) is enrolled at East Carolina College - Airplanes and Rockets

Bobbie Riddick (no, it's not Vicki Lawrence) is enrolled at East Carolina College as a freshman.

Don Pratt adds Cox .020 power to Monogram's "poor man's Phantom." - Airplanes and Rockets

Back again to intrigue us with his very flyable "non-flyers", Don Pratt adds Cox .020 power to Monogram's "poor man's Phantom."

There's so many exciting events to report on we're wondering how to shoehorn everything in. Because we've needed more space for new modeling developments the "powers that be" (bless 'em) are expanding each issue of A.M. into a 100-pager which will appear every other month.

All that and color, too ... almost too much for this harried editor.

Why Harried? Because there aren't enuf hours in our working day/nite. Yet we took time to expound on aero/space "technical modeling" at the National Recreation Association's annual convention (in Philly). Once this group goes all out and embraces land-sea-air-modeling and model rocketry - wowee! Lotsa interest there. More in a later issue including on how you and/or your club can go after rec folk in your environs.

German Sensation. Performance of (West) German team in England at FAI World Indoor Championships was eye-opener. Held in RAF's Cardington hangar on Sept. 22-23, Germany's Hacklinger, Hewel & Riecke totaled 244.06 minutes "to win group honors. Carl Heinz Riecke topped all with best-of-2-flights 88 minute, 48 sec. total. Second was his teammate Max Hacklinger with 86:17; third went to USA's Carl Redlin - 84 minutes on the nose.

Great Britain placed 2nd in team standings, America third. Details planned for Jan/Feb A.M. avec exclusive photos.

Newest, Biggest "Annual." You're advised via a brief announcement that the 1963 A.M. Annual is due Nov. 15. Man, this is the most ultra-most. For instance: a global engine review details 270 mills from both sides of the Iron Curtain. We're afraid to count the number of photos for fear our accountants will murder us!

Its 132-pages makes this at 75¢ the biggest bargain in annuals you'll encounter anywhere, anytime. Shall we make with the word? ... Run (cautiously, of course) ... don't walk to you-know-where. And if you drive fasten those seat belts.

Air Progress, Too? Oh, sure, Condé Nast folks figure they as well go all out with features in the upcoming 100-page Winter edition that you'll not find elsewhere.

Be the bearer of glad tidings to those who read A.P. and maybe spend long hours trying to track down each new edition. This is just between vous et nous, y'understand? ... an itty bitty boid blabbed that in 1963. Air Progress will be issued every other month and - wonders of wonders - Subscriptions Will be Available.

To about 1.738 jillion A.P. fans that will be news as welcome as a cut in taxes! So, the I.B.B. word should be worth a coupla free sarsaparillas when delivered to air-minded Garcias.

Where Were We? Oh, yes, are you a model club or recreation department leader/worker or someone helping trying to help a novice group? Something you should nave handy when you discuss a simplified air-modeling course or easy related projects to get those young 'uns started off on the right foot: "A Beginner's Guide To Model Plane Building." It's an excellent pamphlet prepared by Sterling Models' Ed Manulkin.

A note to Ed at Belfield Ave., and Wister St., Philadelphia 44, Pa., will bring you a gratis copy. Study it carefully, then see if you don't agree that Sterling's proven series of six profile-scale easily-made prefabbed rubber-powered beginner's 18" span jobs are just what the kids need to get "airborne." Tell Ed we put you on the trail of ABGTMPB.

Walt's Pair. Those craft on page 33 by Norfolk's Walter R. Williamson are certainly unique. "Tag-A-Long" (below, right) is for controleers who want to learn to fly two Ukies simultaneously. Confesses WRW: "When I fly two powered jobs at one time I have had trouble keeping 'em together. With a wire between this tug and my non-powered Tail-End Charlie I can keep both in sight. I can drive the towed job until it is almost directly under the tow ship. Control lines to towed model should be 5 feet shorter than to the tow plane.

"Many new approaches could evolve from this. It would be a splendid way to teach novice Ukie-ites. Or hook a streamer to the back plane and fly combat with a similar duo (Ed's note: !!!).

"When that gets too tame, try team combat with two pilots opposing two other stout-hearted C/Line men! Stunt flying could be run off the same way. Tow 'cable' should be 15 to 20 feet and at least .021" diameter. Anchor same securely to tow plane. I mount a spring between tug and aft-ender."

Okay, Mr. AMA 9012, how's about that pivoting wing job Bobbie Riddick's holding .... (below, right)

"Ah," admits Walt, "this is not really as extreme as most of mine, but, then, I've been sleeping better lately - very few nightmares. I had figured that with the elevator plus half the wing pivoting she would turn on a dime. Alas, those motors acted like gyros ... the faster they ran, the less control I had. So the lines snapped and the pivot-plane crashed breaking off the motors which had been mounted on the movable outboard wings. Originally she had a Fox .15 inboard, a Fox .09 outboard. I rebuilt her with one Fox .19. She flew, but hasn't been completely debugged. Maybe this will give someone else an idea or two."

"This conglomeration evolved via the following: Outer wing sections from a Senior 9; center portion started life as a PDQ Flying Clown; stab and elevator were salvaged from a Warrior."

People. The Navy had these USA air-Nats champs aboard a carrier at Pensacola Naval Air Station, along with their Dads: Junior Champion Jim Skarzynski; Senior Champ & Sr. Carrier winner Larry Miller; Air Youth Champ David Fox; Junior Carrier winner Ellis Brasch.

When you peruse those rocket pix on page 46, update "Red" Thompson to Captain. Congrats, Bryant; it couldn't happen to a nicer, more deserving, harder-working USAF officer.

Speed C/Line expert Harold Stevenson who painted some of our outstanding covers, back from an extensive painting trip abroad, is conducting extremely successful over-subscribed private classes for art students showing exceptional promise at his studio on Long Island's north shore.

Percy Pierce, long-time aviation enthusiast who flew with the U.S. Army in World War One and was extremely active in developing air-model programs around Philadelphia - he organized the fantastically successful Philadelphia Model Aeroplane Association (PMAA) - died last August. As a boy he set many model endurance marks and prior to the PMAA started the Junior Aero Club of America in NYC.

Back again to intrigue us with his very flyable "non'flyers", Don Pratt adds Cox .020 power to Monogram's "poor-man's Phantom."

Last issue we incorrectly identified Tom Brett's R/C plane which flew off with the World Championship crown in England as his "Apogee" - actually it was the Michigander's "Perigee." They are identical twins inside and out so it was an understandable error. We're running Tom's plans in Jan/Feb A.M.

(Le)Roy Cox & friends broke ground in Santa Ana, Calif., for a new Thimble-Drome plant going on a ten acre site. Roy will be consolidating equipment, personnel and material from his present 8 structures into one. A model flying field will be part of the expanded layout.

Paul Lindberg sez his MiG-19 plastic scale assembly kit has been duplicated by Russians and is on sale in Moscow stores! 'Twas copied right down to the rivets.

Wave The Banner. Makers of sponge rubber wheels on demountable, turned aluminum hubs, Banner Model Co. adds 2-1/2" diameter size ($1.75 per pair); line now starts at 1" goes to 2-1/2" via 1/4" increments - similar 2-3/4" size will follow at $1.85 per pair. Two plastic hubbed 3-inchers still offered at $1.95 (Banner, 218 W. Palm Ave., Burbank, Calif.).

D.P. Follow-Up. Recall Don Pratt's fly-like-mad glow-plug powered "non-powered shelf scalers" in November A.M.? Pix shows his latest: Monogram's F-51D (kit #PA77); this is a low cost version of firm's Phantom Mustang. Cox .020 turned regular Cox 3-blader. Performance is jim dandy - Don "cheated" with larger elevator of balsa, kept job light. Remainder is all scale except controls and wheels. Thanx for updated report, Don.



Posted May 3, 2014

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