According to what I have found
during Internet searches, this "The G-Engines Are Coming" article is a much-sought-after
story. It appeared in the November 1956 issue of Young Men magazine
(a 13-month-long title existing between Air Trails
and American Modeler). An article in the October 1958 issue of
American Modeler titled "Anti-Grav" referenced this
story. Until Mr. Bob Balsie scanned the pages from his rare copy of the original
magazine, it was available nowhere. Science fiction writers are fascinated with
the concept of anti-gravitational devices. More than one false premise forms the
basis of this article, the most notable of which is a claim of the existence of
a "g-particle" (that which is responsible for the gravitational
force). Although the postulated possibilities for exploiting the misconception
are fantastic, we now know that only extragalactic beings possess such knowledge.
Do they walk among us? See the true documentary titled
Men in Black
for the answer.
The G-Engines Are Coming!
By far the most potent source of energy is gravity. Using it as power future
aircraft will attain the speed of light.
By Michael Gladych
Nuclear-powered aircraft are yet to be built,
but there are research projects already under way that will make the super-planes
obsolete before they are test-flown. For in the United States and Canada research
centers, scientists, designers and engineers are perfecting a way to control gravity
- a force infinitely more powerful than the mighty atom. The result of their labors
will be anti-gravity engines working without fuel - weightless airliners and space
ships able to travel at 170,000 miles per second.
If this seems too fantastic to be true, here is something to consider - the gravity
research has been supported by Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Co., Convair, Bell Aircraft,
Lear Inc., Sperry Gyroscope and several other American aircraft manufacturers who
would not spend milli0ns of dollars on science fiction. Lawrence D. Bell, the famous
builder of the rocket research planes, says, "We're already working with nuclear
fuels and equipment to cancel out gravity." And William Lear, the autopilot wizard,
is already figuring out "gravity control" for the weightless craft to come.
Gravitation - the mutual attraction of all matter, be it grains of sand or planets
- has been the most mysterious phenomenon of nature. Isaac Newton and other great
physicists discovered and described the gravitational law from which there has been
no escape. "What goes up must come down," they said. The bigger the body the stronger
the gravity attraction it has for other objects ... the larger the distance between
the objects, the lesser the gravity pull. Defining those rigid rules was as far
as science could go, but what caused gravity nobody knew, until Albert Einstein
published his Theory of Relativity.
In formulating universal laws that would explain everything from molecules to
stars, Einstein discovered a strong similarity between gravitation and magnetism.
Magnets attract magnetic metals, of course, but they also attract and bend beams
of electronic rays. For instance, in your television picture tube or electronic
microscope, magnetic fields sway the electrons from their straight path. It was
the common belief that gravitation of bodies attracted material objects only - then
came Einstein's dramatic proof to the contrary.

The G-plane licks "heat barrier" problem of high speed by creating
its own gravity field. Gravity generator attracts surrounding air to form a thick
boundary layer which travels with craft and dissipates heat. Electronic rockets
provide forward and reverse thrust. Crew and passenger cabins are also within ship's
own gravity field, thus making fast acceleration and deceleration safe for occupants.
Pre-Einstein physicists were convinced that light traveled along absolutely straight
lines. But on May 29, 1919, during a full eclipse of the sun, Einstein proved that
the light rays of distant stars were attracted and bent by the sun's gravitation.
With the sun eclipsed, it was possible to observe the stars and measure the exact
"bend" of their days as they passed close to the sun on their way to earth.
This discovery gave modem scientists a new hope. We already knew how to make
magnets by coiling a wire around an iron core. Electric current running through
the coiled wire created a magnetic field and it could be switched on and off at
will. Perhaps we could do the same with the gravitation.
Einstein's famous formula E = mc2 - the secret of nuclear energy -
opened the door to further research in gravitation. Prying into the atom's inner
structure, nuclear scientists traced the gravity attraction to the atom's core -
the nucleus. First they separated electrons by bombarding the atom with powerful
electromagnetic "guns." Then, with even more powerful electromagnetic bombardment,
the scientists were able to blast the nucleus. The "split" nucleus yielded a variety
of heretofore unknown particles.
In the course of such experiments,
Dr. Stanley Deser and
Dr. Richard Arnowitt
of Princeton Institute of Advanced Study found the gravity culprit - tiny particles
responsible for gravitation. Without those G-(gravity) particles, an atom of, say,
iron still behaved as any other iron atom except for one thing - it was weightless.
With the secret of gravitation exposed, the scientists now concentrate their
efforts on harnessing the G-particles and their gravity pull. They are devising
ways of controlling the gravity force just as the vast energy of a nuclear explosion
has been put to work in a docile nuclear reactor for motive power and peaceful use.
And once we have the control of those G-particles, the rest will be a matter of
According to the gravity research engineers, the G-engine will replace all other
motors. Aircraft, automobiles, submarines, stationary powerplants - all will use
the anti-gravity engines that will require little or no fuel and will be a mechanic's
dream. A G-engine will have only one moving part - a rotor or a flywheel. One half
of the rotor will be subjected to a de-gravitating apparatus, while the other will
still be under the earth's gravity pull. With the G-particles neutralized, one half
of the rotor will no longer be attracted by the earth's gravitation and will therefore
go up as the other half is being pulled down, thus creating a powerful rotary movement.
Another, simpler idea comes from the Gravity. Research Foundation of New Boston,
N. H. Instead of de-gravitating one half of the rotor, we would merely shield half
of it with a gravity "absorber." The other half would still be pulled down and rotation
would result (see sketch).

The anti-gravity engine rotor is partially shielded by the gravity
absorber. The gravity force acting only on the exposed half of the rotor which creates
a powerful rotary motion. This particular device is suitable for powering ground
For an explanation of how the gravity "absorber" would work, lets turn to gravity's
twin brother - magnetism. If you own an ordinary watch, you must be forever careful
not to get it magnetized. Even holding a telephone receiver can magnetize the delicate
balance wheel and throw the watch out of time. Therefore, an anti-magnetic watch
is the thing to have. Inner works of such a watch are shielded by a soft iron casing
which absorb the magnetic lines of force. Even in the strongest magnetic field,
the shielded balance wheel is completely unaffected by the outside magnetic pull.
In a similar manner, a gravity "absorber" would prevent the earth's gravity from
acting upon the shielded portion of our G-engine.
Applied to engines, a gravity absorber would be a boon, but its true value would
be in aircraft construction where the weight control engineers get ulcers trying
to save an ounce here, a pound there. Of course, an indiscriminate shielding of
an aircraft and the resulting total weightlessness is not what we would want. A
de-gravitated aircraft would still be subject to the centrifugal force of our rotating
globe. Freed from the gravity pull, a totally weightless aircraft would shoot off
into space like sparks flying off a faster spinning, abrasive grinding wheel. So,
the weight, or gravity, would have to be reduced gradually for take-off and climb.
For level flight and for hovering, the weight would be maintained at some low level
while landing would be accomplished by slowly restoring the craft's full weight.
The gravity-defying engineers claim that the problem of this lift control is
a cinch. The shield would have an arrangement similar in principle to the venetian
blind - open for no lift and closed for decreased weight and increased lift.
No longer dependent on wings or rotors, the G-craft would most likely be an ideal
aerodynamic shape - a sort of slimmed-down version of the old-fashioned dirigible
balloon. Since weight has a lot to do in limiting the size of today's aircraft,
a perfect weight control of the G-craft would remove that barrier and would make
possible airliners as big as the great ocean liner the S.S. United States.
A G-airliner would be a real speed demon. The coast-to-coast flight time would
be cut to minutes even with the orthodox rocket propulsion. You may wonder about
the air friction "heat barrier" of high-speed aircraft, but the gravity experts
have an answer for that, too. Canadian scientists headed by Wilbur B. Smith - the
director of the "Project
Magnet" - visualize an apparatus producing a gravitational field in the G-ship.
This gravity field would attract the surrounding air to form a thick "boundary layer"
which would move with the ship. Thus, air friction would take place at a distance
from the ship's structure and the friction heat would be dissipated before it could
warm up the ship's skin (large diagram).

When electric current from battery is switched on the coil will
create a magnetic field which repels the aluminum disk and makes it shoot upward.
Future sips may be built of diamagnetic metals with specially rearranged atomic
The G-ships own gravity field would perform another useful function. William
P. Lear, the chairman of Lear, Inc., makers of autopilots and other electronic controls,
points out, "All matter within the ship would be influenced by the ship's gravitation
only. This way, no matter how fast you accelerated or changed course, your body
would not feel it any more than it now feels the tremendous speed and acceleration
of the earth." In other words, no more pilot blackouts or any such acceleration
headaches. The G-ship could take off like a cannon shell, come to a stop with equal
abruptness and the passengers wouldn't even need seat belts.
This ability to accelerate rapidly would be ideal for a space vehicle. Eugene
M. Gluhareff, President of Gluhareff Helicopter and Airplane Corporation of Manhattan
Beach, California, has already designed several space ships capable of travel at
almost the speed of light, or about 600,000,000 miles per hour. At that speed. the
round trip to Venus would take just over 30 minutes. Of course, ordinary chemical
rockets would be inadequate for such speeds, but Gluhareff already figures on using
"atomic rockets."
At least one such "atomic rocket" design has been worked out by Dr. Ernest Stuhlinger,
a physicist of the U.S. Army Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville, Alabama. Dr. Stuhlinger's
rocket would use ions - atoms with a positive electric charge. To produce those
ions, Dr. Stuhlinger takes cesium, a rare metal that liquefies at 71° F. Blown
across a platinum coil heated to 1000° F., liquid cesium is ionized, the ions
are accelerated by a 10,000 volt electromagnetic "gun" and shot out of a tail pipe
at a velocity of 186,324 miles per second.
The power for Dr. Stuhlinger's "ion rocket" would be supplied by an atomic reactor
or by solar energy. The weight of the reactor and its size would no longer be a
design problem, since the entire apparatus could be de-gravitated - made weightless.
Revolutionary as Dr. Stuhlinger's idea may seem, it is already superseded by the
Canadian physicists of the "Project Magnet." The Canadians propose to do away with
the bulk of the nuclear reactor and use the existing magnetic fields of the earth
and other planets for propulsion.
As we well know, two like magnetic poles repel each other, just as under certain
conditions, an electromagnet repel the so-called diamagnetic metal, such as aluminum.
Take a flat, aluminum ring, slip it over a strong electromagnet and switch on the
current. Repelled by the magnetic field, the disk will fly off with quite a speed.
(see sketch). Of course, the earth's magnetism is too weak to repel a huge G-ship
made of a diamagnetic metal. However, the recent studies of the atomic nucleus and
the discovery of G-particles make it possible to rearrange the atomic structure
so as to greatly increase the diamagnetic properties of metals. Thus, a G-ship with
a magnetic control could be repelled by the earth's magnetic field and it would
travel along the magnetic lines of force like the aluminum ring shooting off the
The entire universe is covered by magnetic fields of stars and planets. Those
fields intertwine in a complex pattern, but they are always there. By proper selection
of those fields, we could navigate our G-ship in space as well as within the earth's
magnetic field. And the use of the magnetic repulsion would eliminate the radiation
danger of the nuclear reactor and the problem of atomic fuel.
How long will it take to build the weightless craft and G-engines, the gravity
experts don't know. George S. Trimble, Vice-President in charge of the G-project
at Martin Aircraft Corporation thinks the job "could be done in about the time it
took to build the first atom bomb." And another anti-gravity pioneer, Dudley Clarke,
President of Clarke Electronics Laboratories of Palm Springs, California, believes
it will be a matter of a few yeas to manufacture anti-gravity "power packages."
But no matter how many years we have to wait, the amazing anti-gravity research
is a reality. And the best guarantee of its early success is the backing of the
U.S. aircraft industry - the engineers and technicians who have always given us
tomorrow's craft today.
Posted December 14, 2023 (updated from original
post on 5/7/2016)