This triad of model airplane-themed
comics appeared in the February 1941 issue of Flying Aces magazine. They are a bit
on the goofy side, but keep in mind what a novelty airplanes and parachutes and
such were even in the 1930s and early 1940s. Humor style was markedly different
in the day overall as well, so what passed as clever then might not be considered
equally clever today. That being said, don't pass up these comics - they might be
just the does of lightheartedness you need at the moment.

"Make up your mind, Heathcliffe. Is this yours or mine?"
February 1941 Flying Aces (p.55)

"Gentlemen, we now go into my famous 9-G terminal velocity
dive to the street floor!"
February 1941 Flying Aces (p.57)

"Flying fish - phooey!"
February 1941 Flying Aces (p.58)
Posted October 9, 2021
Vintage Model Aircraft Comics: