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Model Aviation Crossword Puzzle #6

Back around 2000, I submitted a few model aviation themed crossword puzzles to the Academy of Model Aeronautics' monthly magazine, Model Aviation. After many months, Mr. Bob Hunt responded saying that he had just assumed the position of editor for the "If It Flies" column, and that he would be interested in publishing the crosswords. So, six of the puzzles appeared in 2001 editions.

Today, while searching through some old files, I ran across the document that I originally submitted, and I figured it might be nice to make them available to visitors to the Airplane and Rockets website. Enough time has gone by now that I hope they don't mind that I have reproduced them here.

Here are links to all of the crossword puzzles:

#1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6

Model airplane Crossword Puzzle #6 - Airplanes and Rockets


2 Classic radial engine

6 Glider launching systems

12 Pledge __ Allegiance

14 Rough-edged

16 Clarance ___, model engine expert

17 Kind of cell used in radio systems

18 Small antelope

21 Yo-__ CL airplane

22 Head skyward

23 What an airplane flies through

25 State in AMA District IV

26 I __ going to fly today, but it's too windy

27 Not hers

29 Confused hand-to-hand fight

31 Elevator direction

34 Normal direction of CL flight

35 Lean to one side

36 Area between ribs

38 Boolean combination

40 Eccentric mechanisms

41 Enunciate

43 Applied a 2-part adhesive

46 Bob ____ Model Aviation's Aeromodeling Editor

47 Engine housings

49 Attempt

50 Transmit a signal to the airplane

51 Little glob of epoxy

53 State in AMA District V

54 Joyce _____, AMA Executive Director 1999-2000

56 Sailplane society

58 It's a fine ___ for flying!

59 State in AMA District XI

60 It takes ___ nerve to perform low-level aerobatics

61 Duck with soft down

63 State in AMA District II

65 Lowermost deck

66 Not

67 Owns

69 An individual without wealth

71 State in AMA District XI

72 Largest of the Canary Islands

73 English public school


1 Rocket fuselage

3 Type of electrical current

4 Short takeoff and landing airplanes

5 ____gee, the lowest point in the Space Shuttle's orbit

6 Maker of modeling accessories

7 AMA district that includes OH and PA

8 State in AMA District IX

9 State in AMA District V

10 Positive lead color

11 Back edge of a wing

13 From

15 Rechargeable battery type

19 ___ McNeill, AMA District V VP - 2000

20 Units of distance

22 Drafting software

24 Fly a plane to do this

25 Final course

28 Wood fastener

30 End of servo travel

32 Bolt top classification

33 Federal Networking Council

37 Preferred age for being introduced to modeling

38 Transmitter component, abbr.

39 Decorative plastic marking for an airplane

40 FAA abbreviation for city of PPRC

42 _____ carriage

44 Many-layered hardwood

45 Pulse jet engines

48 Watch a flight

50 Front part of the leg

52 Premier organization for model rocket enthusiasts

55 Field box item for cleaning your plane

57 Tool for removing metal or wood

58 Storage center

62 Completed building your new model

63 Vietnam

64 Short for Model Airplane News

65 Idiot

67 Gas for floating your RC blimp

68 Geographical area of AMA District V

69 State in AMA District X

70 Takeoff

Model airplane Crossword Puzzle #6 Solution - Airplanes and Rockets

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