December 1967
Vol. 65, No. 6
The Cover: Miss Kim Thomas and Boeing Pacific Air Transport by Terry Aldrich. Fox 59 RC, span 66-1/4",
weight 9-1/4 pounds. Paul Gates photo.
Editorial-Straight and Level |
4 |
A.M. Reviews, by Stanley M. Ulanoff |
6 |
Model World |
9 |
Sketchbook by H. A. Thomas |
12 |
Antiques Fly Again, by Don Pratt |
13 |
Neutrino by Dave Youngblood |
17 |
Aerodynamics Made Painless, by Bill Netzebad |
20 |
Grid Leaks-Radio Control World, by Howard McEntee |
23 |
Getting Started in RC, by Howard McEntee |
24 |
Band Wagon, by Brian Donn and Larry Simpson |
28 |
Count Down, by G. Harry Stine |
30 |
Model Rocketeer |
31 |
Miniature Air Museum, by John N. Townsley |
34 |
1967 Nationals-The RC Wrapup |
35 |
Check List-New Products |
38 |
Nats Executive Council Meetings |
39 |
AMA Nominating Committee Report |
40 |
AMA Headquarters Report |
41 |
AMA Officer Directory, Contest Calendar |
42 |
William J. Winter, Editor Edward C. Sweeney, Jr., Assoc. Ed. Harry E. Harps, Asst. Ed.
Sally Barry, Ed. Production
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Howard McEntee, Radio Control; William Netzeband, U-Control; G. Harry Stine,
Rockets; H. A. Thomas, Sketchbook; Rosalie Vanzant, Clubs.
Copyright © 1967 by Potomac Aviation Publications Inc. All .rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
American Modeler is published monthly by Potomac Aviation Publications Inc., 1012 Fourteenth Street.
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. William J. Winter, Publisher; Gordon G. Crowder, Vice President and Treasurer;
Edward C. Sweeney Jr., Secretary; American Modeler Business Manager. Norman J. Ward.
Posted February 5, 2011