Thunder Tiger Victoria

External Switch Modification

Victoria Home

External On/Off Switch

Forestay Addition

Mainsail Mods

Sail Reinforcements

Snap Mods

Sheet Shield

Transom Eyelet

For those of you who have asked, here is a list of what we purchased to modify our Victoria, both the modifications and accessories.

Thunder Tiger Victoria External Switch ModificationA simple length of bent wire can be used to enable the radio power switch to be turned on and off without opening the hatch cover. Most power switches come with a hole pre-drilled.

Thunder Tiger Victoria External Switch ModificationDrill a 1/16" hole on the cockpit front wall in line with the power switch. Bend the piece of wire to pass through the hole in the power switch and through the cockpit wall. Bend the cockpit end of the wire into a loop for easy gripping, and also downward to prevent the sail sheets from getting caught. A small spring is shown to keep the wire from sliding out of the switch hole. A twist-tie would work as well.



Posted September 12, 2008

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