The National
Association of Rocketry (NAR) has been around since 1957. At one time, the Academy
of Model Aeronautics (AMA) was pretty tightly joined with them in covering model
rocketry events and promoting model rocketry. In fact, for while there was space
allotted in American Aircraft Modeler, AMA's monthly magazine, for model
rocketry. From February 1968 through August 1969 there was a newsletter feature
entitled "Model Rocketeer" in addition to a separate article, often written by
G. Harry Stine. A complete list
of all editions is provided below.
The NAR and AMA still work together. For
example, the National Aeronautic Association (NAA)
delegates authority for aeromodeling and spacemodeling to the
Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA),
who has in turn delegated Spacemodeling (model rocketry) to the NAR.
Click the NAR logo to the left and go to the membership page of today's National
Association of Rocketry. You can read a sample edition of the NAR's magazine,
Sport Rocketry, by clicking
the thumbnail image to the right (here is
part 2).

(click for larger version)
Page 56 (continued from page 53):
back-up assistance such as member-parent help so programs may continue. Also,
be sure and send in your section calendar of events three months in advance so the
Rocketeer can publicize launchings/demonstrations, etc., in your area.
Several new sections have been added to the NAR rolls. California has reported
two new groups; Texas has one, and on the East Coast, one each in Maryland, New
York and Maine. Our next issue will have a complete listing of the 34 sections active
in Aug. '68 plus the new sections.
The most recent chartered sections are:
Titan Section (WCMRS) (West Covina Model Rocket Society) 1444 W. Garvey Ave.,
West Covina, Calif. 91790
Lorna Valley Rocket Pioneers P. O. Box 26 Browns Valley, Calif. 95918
Berwick Academy Rocket Society Academy Street South Berwick, Maine 03908
Long Island Rocket Society 75-31 193 St. Flushing, N. Y. 11366
Wicomico Aerospace Section RT #4, Windham Court Salisbury, Md. 21801
Saturn Model Rocketry Section 975 Gloria El Paso, Tex. 79907
The following news release from G. Harry Stine, Chairman, NAR Liaison Committee,
who attended the 1968 CIAM meetings, is quoted for the information of all rocketeers:
"In a move unprecedented in the annals of international aeromodeling sport, a
world championships competition for model rocketry was approved only two years after
official international competition rules were adopted and only six years after the
initial presentation of model rocketry was made to an international body.
"On November 23, 1968, the International Aeromodelling Committee (ClAM) 'of the
Federation Aeronautique Internationale meeting in Paris approved the bid of Yugoslavia
for hosting the first World Championships in Model Rocketry at Vrsac, Yugoslavia,
in 1970. Exact dates have not yet been established. Authorized for the meet are
competition events in the categories of flight duration with a parachute, flight
duration with a rocket glider (boost! glider), and scale models. (The scale model
rules were also adopted at the same time as the approval for the World Championships.)
"The World Championships will be held under the international model rocketry
rules of Part 4b of the FAI Sporting Code. Each nation will be permitted to send
at least one team made up of three model rocketeers and a team manager; more teams
can be entered if desired.
"The Federation Aeronautique Internationale is made up of over 60 nations and
has international jurisdiction over all aerospace sport ranging from certifying
flight records in astronautics to establishing rules for international competition
in parachuting, aerobatics, ballooning, gliding and soaring, distance and speed
records, model aircraft and model rockets. The governing body for aeromodelling
is the CIAM of FAI.
"Model rocketry was first presented to CIAM in 1962 by G. Harry Stine of the
USA. A rocketry subcommittee was formed to draw up proposed sporting competition
rules. These rules were adopted on a provision basis by CIAM in 1964. When 1966
rolled around, the first international competition (but not a world championships,
which is a different contest category) was flown at Dubnica, Czechoslovakia and
the rules were adopted as official in Paris later in the year.
"Nations currently engaged in model rocketry include Sweden, Belgium, Czechoslovakia,
Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Canada, Australia, the U.S.S.R.
and the United States."
Mr. Stine gave credit to USAF and the Military Airlift Command (MAC) for making
it possible for him to attend the CIAM sessions. He reports all recommendations
were adopted by the CIAM and in most cases, only those nations having model rocketry
voted for items, the remainder abstaining.
In December, USAF's Larry Loos, NAR #7127, visited CAP National Headquarters
at Maxwell AFB, Ala. to review the model rocket program and present a new version
of a draft manual. He reports that CAP aerospace education officials under direction
of Jack Sorenson had recently finished a draft manual to be printed soon.
Larry reports that CAP squadrons will be encouraged to form NAR sections within
their cadet units, being officially chartered and holding competition with local,
state and national meets each year to determine the best CAP rocketeers. Naturally,
CAP units need extensive help from NAR members and sections to get their own programs
off the pad. At the same time, they will arrange competition with NAR sections to
stimulate continued interest.
From an NAR standpoint, we stand to gain thousands of more dedicated members
in areas never thought possible in the U. S. But again, just as NASA worked closely
and in harmony with industry and military to reach their present success with Mercury,
Gemini and Apollo, we can do much to assist CAP cadets get started in our aerospace
CAP, which passed its 27th birthday Dec. 1, '68, has quite an impressive record
of firsts with youth aerospace education and aviation programs in addition to their
search and rescue programs. Larry, a USAF -CAP veteran member, noted that programs
accepted by CAP are thoroughly researched and tested before approval is granted.
His prediction at year's end was that within several years NAR could be made up
of half membership representing CAP in the U.S.
Here's a brief, handy-dandy guide to the most important items which appeared
in The Model Rocketeer column during 1968 plus the subject of Countdown features
through October.
Jan. - AUAA Approves Model Rocketry; New Sporting Code Rules and Quadrathon Event
Discussed. CD-Special NARAM-9 Report.
Feb. - VP Humphrey Lauds NAR; New Officers & Board of Trustees plus addresses;
44 NAR Sections and Addresses. CD - In's and Out's of Scale.
Mar. - Certified Engine List of Approved Companies. CD - Model Rocketry Goes
Apr. - Review of Legality of MR with Definitions, History, etc. CD - Nike Smoke
Sounding Rocket for Scale Buffs.
May - Wash., D. C., Calif. and Houston area Model Rocket Sections. CD - Low-Drag
Jun. - NARAM-10 Planning Complete. CD - Scale Tips & Techniques.
Jul. - Contest Guide; Pittsburgh Convention; New Editor for column. CD - All
About the Sporting Code, Record Attempts, etc.
Aug. - Sporting Code Revisions on Contests and Events; 34 NAR Sections &
Addresses. CD-Two Lively Conventions, Pittsburgh and M.I.T.
Sep. - NFPA Approves Model Rocketry Code. CD - Honest John for Scale.
Oct. - CD Only - Polish Boost-Glider.
Nov. - Column Policy Set; Standards and Testing Committee Defines Newton Seconds
and Egg Lofting. CD Column Officially Discontinued.
Dec. - Lock up Those Countdown Features; Convention Reports; Suggestion for R&D
Project; Saturn V Apollo Plans from NARTS Available.
Posted October 16, 2020