The National
Association of Rocketry (NAR) has been around since 1957. At one time, the Academy
of Model Aeronautics (AMA) was pretty tightly joined with them in covering model
rocketry events and promoting model rocketry. In fact, for while there was space
allotted in American Aircraft Modeler, AMA's monthly magazine, for model
rocketry. From February 1968 through August 1969 there was a newsletter feature
entitled "Model Rocketeer" in addition to a separate article, often written by
G. Harry Stine. A complete list
of all editions is provided below.
The NAR and AMA still work together. For
example, the National Aeronautic Association (NAA)
delegates authority for aeromodeling and spacemodeling to the
Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA),
who has in turn delegated Spacemodeling (model rocketry) to the NAR.
Click the NAR logo to the left and go to the membership page of today's National
Association of Rocketry. You can read a sample edition of the NAR's magazine,
Sport Rocketry, by clicking
the thumbnail image to the right (here is
part 2).

(click for larger version)
Page 62 (continued from page 35):
1) One to two weeks in advance of an event, if your section has no public relations
officer, simply type the five W's on a sheet of paper: what, when, where, who and
why (or how), with enough space to type the information answers to each. Add your
name, address, telephone number, and position for the editor or station manager.
I will use it as space and time allows.
2) The same day (or next), do the san with the results of the event, providing
full names, addresses, parents, guests and civic officials present.
For sometime (several years), the national headquarters of CAP has been genuine
interested in the application of model rocketry into its aerospace education program
for male and female cadets aged 13-19 During the mid 1960's through 1966, contact
was continued until CAP drafted manual outlining a complete program incorporating
the NAR Sporting Code.
On Nov. 1, 1967, Mr. G. Harry Stine, NAB Liaison Committee chairman, appointed
USAF Sgt. Larry Loos, NAR #7127, to work directly with CAP on the project. Larry,
a member of CAP for 13 years whose experience was mostly cadet training, etc., had
just returned from his post as NAR District Director for U. S. Forces, Europe.
During 1968 he conducted an intensive study into every feasibility of making
the program work in local communities. Test workshops, launches and activities were
held through the cooperation of Colorado Wing CAP Hq., the Colorado Springs CAP
Composite Squadron , Estes Industries, Flight Systems, Inc., and several persons
who also were NAR-CAP members.
Larry reported at year's end that he will recommend to CAP that: 1) Cadets who
qualify should enter a basic, intermediate or advanced MR class meeting separate
from CAP; 2) competition be held through NAR and that CAP unit teams which earn
points on the same basis as NAR members, select their best cadets to join NAR and
compete in NARAM events.
March 4th Annual Pittsburgh Spring Convention.
April 12-13 ECRM-3 meet (in Washington, Maryland, Virginia areas-contact Dick
Sipes, 5427 85th Ave. - Apt. 101, Lanham, Md. 20801).
May 25-MAYHAM-1 area (MARS).
June 14-15 WAMARVA-1 meet (contact Dick Sipes). Flying sessions for the Space
Pioneers are: March 30, April 13 & 27, May 11 & 25, June 8 & 22, July
13 & 27, and August 10. Range located at Waveny Park on Lapham Rd., New Canaan,
Posted October 16, 2020