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Wind Flying

Wind Flying - September 1972 American Aircraft Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsAirplanes and Rockets website visitor Lars B. wrote from Sweden requesting that I scan this "Wind Flying" article from the September 1972 edition of American Aircraft Modeler magazine. It describes a method for replacing engines and motors with human power for preforming some pretty impressive C/L aerobatics on windy days. Basically, you drag the model airplane around on its control lines, which often required not just turning in a circle while standing in one place, but walking around a small circle in order to get more speed. If there is any wind, you need to put extra effort into the pulling when moving into the wind. I can remember doing this as a teenager, only I did it with the engine in place but not...

Aviation News Headlines <Archives>

• FCC Rules for 5 GHz Band Drone Operations

EAA Weighs in on MOSAIC

• Smithsonian Opens Hangar Doors to Pilots

• EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2024 July 22-28

• The Smallest Air Force One

Model Boats More Popular Than Ever

Model Boats More Popular Than Ever, Model Annual 1956 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsPost World War II was a big time for model building and operating. Veterans and their families helped relieve the stress and anxieties of the era with both scale and original design model boats, cars, trains, submarines, motorcycles helicopters, airplanes, tanks, even oddities like bicycles, farm equipment, carnival layouts, animals, and historic buildings (of which many of those appeared in model train layouts). The level of artistry and craftsmanship was impressive, particularly considering the sparsity of pre-made miniature accoutrements like hardware fittings, mechanisms for operating control surfaces and mechanisms, and even appropriate finishes. Radio control was in its infancy, being largely the realm of modelers with knowledge...

Square Hare from Delaware Article and Plans

Square Hare from Delaware Article and Plans, September 1962 American Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsWebsite visitor Steve R. wrote requesting that I scan and post this "Square Hare" article from the September 1962 issue of American Modeler magazine. Says, Steve, "I built one of these back then on Galloping ghost and it went great till servo failed (modified mighty Midget motor). Later I built another for Class one Aerobatics fitted with OS 40 and Kraft Propo, this was very successful. Nostalgia strikes and I'd like to build another as a sport model." Square Hare from Delaware is a bit unique in that its wing has no spar and is constructed from diagonally arranged ribs sandwiched between 3/32" balsa sheeting. Looking at all the hardware required just for the elevator control really makes you appreciate modern radio gear with servos. Hopefully, Steve will grace us with a photo of his completed Square Hare.

House Passes Bill Restricting DJI Drone Use

House Passes Bill Restricting DJI Drone Use - Airplanes and Rockets"On September 9, the House of Representatives passed H.R.2864: the Countering CCP Drones Act. This would add future equipment made by DJI technologies to the FCC's Covered List on the premise that it poses a risk to U.S. national security. The Countering CCP Drones Act would essentially ban UAS and related tech produced by DJI from operating on U.S. telecommunications infrastructure. This trails several 'inaccurate and unsubstantiated' claims against the company regarding sensitive data sharing with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This would not directly affect customers, at least for now, though it is guaranteed to have a massive effect on DJI's..."

Tin Goose - She Led the Golden Age

Tin Goose - She Led the Golden Age, February 1962 American Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsI had no idea that there were multiple versions of the Ford Trimotor (aka Tin Goose). This article from an 1962 edition of American Modeler magazine provides a fairly in-depth look at the history of the airplane. If you follow politics at all, you know that Halliburton is a name that became a household word when George Bush chose Dick Cheney as his vice president. According to author Joe Christy, SAFE-way airline, which operated Ford Trimotors, was started by Oklahoma oilman Erle Halliburton, and was sold to TWA (Trans World Airline) in 1931. In an incredible stroke of good fortune, Melanie and I were able to take a ride in a Ford Trimotor in the summer of 2013, flying out of Erie International Airport (see my Ford Trimotor video)...

America's 1955 Modelplane Championships

America's Modelplane Championships, Model Annual 1956 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsThe 1955 Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) National Model Airplane Championships, held at the Los Alamitos, California, Naval Air Station was by all measures a smashing success - "the best run Nationals competition in history." Extensive coverage of the event appeared in the Annual Edition of Air Trails magazine. Free flight and control line model airplanes were there, but no radio control types attended; the technology was not yet within reach of enough hobbyists to warrant inclusion. A look at the photos makes evident the amazing quality and variation of models, both scale and non-scale. Take a look at the F4U Corsair with the folding wings, the Ford Trimotor, Fairchild C-119, and the Fokker DR-1 triplane. Speaking of quality models, two of the feminine kind were on-hand to award trophies. Hillevi Rombin, Miss Universe of 1955, and movie starlet Marla English, are pictured with two lucky winners..

Polaris Dawn's 1st Private Space Walk

Polaris Dawn's 1st Private Space Walk - RF CafeUmmm... was this really a "space walk?" If so, then I "sky walked" when I climbed to the top of my 6-foot wooden ladder yesterday. "The world's first commercial space walk, performed by billionaire Jared Isaacman and SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillis, tested new technology and was practically flawless. It wasn't a small step - more a clamber, really - but as billionaire entrepreneur Jared Isaacman climbed partway out of a SpaceX Dragon capsule located nearly 740 kilometers above Earth on early Thursday morning, he made a giant leap into spaceflight history. That's because Isaacman is a private citizen who is flying in a commercial spacecraft on a voyage he paid for - not a government-agency...

Boeing B&W 1916 Biplane

Boeing B&W 1916 Biplane March 1965 Model Airplane News - Airplanes and RocketsHere are plans for the Boeing B&W 1916 Biplane that I electronically scanned from my purchased copy of the March 1965 Model Airplane News magazine. When I have more time, I will dig the magazine out of storage and scan/OCR the rest of the article. For now you can at least review the plans. Click on the images for larger versions. I have even large files for them at the original 200 dpi resolution. Designed and built by Mr. Francis Reynolds. Plans for this fine model were drawn by Mr. Ray Vinup. All copyrights (if any) are hereby acknowledged. "The Boeing Model 1, also known as the B & W Seaplane, was a United States single-engine biplane seaplane aircraft. It was the first Boeing product and carried the initials..."

Adjustable Throw Control Line Handle

Adjustable Throw Control Line Handle - Airplanes and RocketsWhen building my Enterprise-E control stunt airplane, I knew that the amount of control surface throw available for both flaps and elevator was extreme, but I wanted to have the reserve capability in case it was needed. It was definitely NOT needed! Fortunately, because of the way the top fuselage hatch is designed for removal there is easy access to the flap control horn, and thereby the ability to move pushrod clevises around to decrease throws. Even with doing that, however, the model is still very sensitive to control line handle movements. My only solution was to obtain a control line handle with line spacing less than the 4-1/4" on the stock Sullivan handle. That spacing has been a little too much for other models as well, so an alternate handle would be nice anyway...

How to Straighten Bowed and Cupped Laminated Countertops

How to Straighten Bowed and Cupped Laminated Countertops - Airplanes and RocketsI received a lot of feedback after first posting this piece on how to straighten cupped and/or bowed laminated countertops. That was a couple years ago. Since I continue to see severely deformed countertops in Lowes and Home Depot, it is worth brining attention to it again. You might be able to get a really good deal on the otherwise unsellable laminated countertops, then use my easy method for nearly perfectly flattening them. Al that is required is sawing a cross-hatch pattern part-way through the bottom surface, and then screwing, gluing, and clamping them whilst being held flat. The wood around the outside edge serves as the space normally placed between the top of the lower cabinet base and the countertop. Tyr it. You'll like it!

UAV SATCOM Terminal Flight Trials Succeed --- add to AAR

UAV SATCOM Terminal Flight Trials Succeed - RF Cafe"Gotonomi, a UAV satellite connectivity solutions provider, has announced the completion of further successful flight trials and the opening of orders for production units of all variants of its UAV satcom terminals at Commercial UAV Expo 2024 in Las Vegas. The launch marks a significant milestone, transitioning from pre-production flight development kits to type-approved, commercial terminals, enabling scalable beyond visual line of sight operations (BVLOS) for drone operators wishing to offer inspection, surveillance, and delivery services. Following extensive verification testing, including flight trials..."

U-Control Model Plane

U-Control Model Plane, October 1952 Popular Mechanics - Airplanes and RocketsWhen I first saw this "U-Control Model Plane" article in a 1952 issue of Popular Mechanics magazine, I expected it to have been written by one of the Stanzel brothers. Long after their entry into the model airplane manufacturing world, Joe and Victor created their line of battery-powered, electric motor-driven control line models in 1958. It eventually included a helicopter, a monoplane, and a flying saucer, amongst other craft. The Stanzels, BTW, invented the Monoline control line system which was adopted by U-control (aka control line) speed modelers because it created much less aerodynamic drag, facilitating higher airspeeds. Maybe this article was a motivation for the Stanzels...

Antique Clothes Chest Restoration

Antique Clothes Chest Restoration - Airplanes and RocketsAnother of Melanie's family's relics is this pine clothes chest. After more than 100 years of use and abuse, this chest was in dire need of restoration. Construction is very low density pine, with dovetailed corners. Finish was a clear varnish with no stain. The bottom, back, and inside had no finish at all. Restoration consisted of knocking apart and re-gluing most joints, sanding, and filling in the multiple dings and scratches where they were really deep. Minor imperfections were kept for the sake of character. Minwax dark walnut stain was used inside and out, and allowed to dry for a week. Then, two coats of Deft satin clear were brushed on with 320 sanding and 0000 steel wool between coats...

SETI Low-Frequency Search for Extraterrestrials

SETI Low-Frequency Search for Extraterrestrials"The SETI Institute, in collaboration with the Berkeley SETI Research Center and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, has initiated a pioneering study using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) in Western Australia. Led by Dr. Chenoa Tremblay of the SETI Institute and Prof. Steven Tingay of Curtin University, this research marks the first search for alien technology in galaxies beyond our own, specifically targeting low radio frequencies (100 MHz). The MWA's extensive field of view (FOV) allowed the research team to examine approximately 2,800 galaxies in a single observation, with known distances for 1,300 of these galaxies..."

1962 British Nationals

British Nationals (1963 Annual Edition American Modeler) - Airplanes and RocketsThis report of the 1962 (16th) British Nationals appeared in the 1963 Annular edition of American Modeler modeler, which I believe was published in January of 1963. Just as back in the day, the U.S. Nationals were held on a military installation (U.S. Navy sponsorship), the British Nats were held at Barkston Heath R.A.F. station. Although technically it was an international event, it appears that Brits and Yanks were the only competitors - or at least the only ones mentioned. See anyone you know?

Baby V-1 Dyna-Jet Flies for Fun

Baby V-1 Dyna-Jet Flies for Fun, May 1946 Popular Science - Airplanes and RocketsWhen Dyna-Jet engine in new or like-new condition is listed for sale or auction on eBay, it usually sells for north of $500. Sometimes buyers get lucky and win an auction for less. This 1946 Popular Science magazine article entitled "Baby V-1 Flies for Fun" appeared just a year after Germany had surrendered unconditionally. Only a year before that, Londoners ran for cover in underground shelters when V-1 "Buzz Bombs" were heard making their tell-tale 45 Hz "buzz" noise as they made their way toward England. "V-1" was from the German Vergeltungswaffe 1 meaning "Vengeance Weapon 1." The only reference to a "robomb" I see other than this article is from a 1944 issue of Time magazines entitled, "Science: How the Robomb Works." As Paul Harvey would famously say, "Now you know... the Rest of the story."

World's Toughest R/C Job - Guidance in Outer Space

World's Toughest R/C Job - Guidance in Outer Space, May 1967 Radio-Electronics - RF CafeSpaceX and Blue Origin have been in the news for the last decade for their efforts (some successful, some not) to autonomously land a spacecraft vertically under its own power. Love it or hate it, NASA has been doing that for nearly six decades. Granted, it was on celestial bodies with lower gravitational acceleration than on Earth, but the earliest craft (Surveyor 1, 1966) had relatively crude electronics aboard, including a Doppler radar, flight computer, and video camera. The now legendary Apollo Guidance Computer has been written about extensively, and is a testimony to the brilliance of the scientists, engineers, managers, operators, and technicians who built and flew it. Articles like this one in the May 1967 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine...

Model Filler and Finish Compatibility Matrix

Model Filler and Finish Compatibility Matrix - Airplanes and RocketsI am not aware of the origin of this matrix, but it is a very useful tool for determining whether certain filler materials and finish chemistries are compatible or, equally important, incompatible. It was included in the July 2012 edition of the Bean Hill Flyers control-line club newsletter. This might save somebody the grief and angst from applying a finish over a base that will cause it to bubble, peel, blister, or not ever dry. One important point this chart indicates is that you can apply butyrate dope over nitrate dope, but you CANNOT apply nitrate dope over butyrate dope. There might be other instances of one-way compatibilities, but if you are not sure, do a test first or avoid the deadly combination altogether. You also need to verify compatibility of the various rattle can...

Model Car Sets 128-m.p.h. Record

Model Racer Sets 128-m.p.h. Record, October 1948 Popular Science - Airplanes and RocketsAccording to Guiness World Records, the current holder of the record for the fastest model car is the "Radio Controlled Bullet," by Nic Case, having achieved a speed of 202.02 mph (325.12 km/h), in 2014. In 2019, Estonian Ando Rohtmets set the tethered model car speed record of 215.92 mph (347.490 kmph). All modern speed records are set using electric motor power, unlike these models reported on in a 1948 issue of Popular Science magazine which used liquid fuel and internal combustion engines (ICE). However, not all of those ICE powerplants had pistons. Mr. Frank Brennan showed up with a DynaJet-powered model car, purportedly fashioned after the Nazi V-1 "Buzz Bomb" (remember this was only a couple years past...

Eclipse Sailplane Article & Plans

Eclipse Sailplane Article & Plans, October 1974 American Aircraft Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsThe Eclipse is a gigantic radio-controlled sailplane model with a 16-foot wingspan, geodesic ribs construction, and "V" tail configuration. It is built up from balsa, plywood, spruce, and a fiberglass tail boom. I remember first seeing the model on the cover of the October 1974 issue of American Aircraft Modeler magazine, and really wanting to build one. Unfortunately, I was only 16 years old at the time and was barely able to afford control line models, let alone a huge RC sailplane. Of course with the cost of balsa today, it is no more affordable now as then. It probably takes four rolls of Monokote to cover! Here are plans for the Eclipse that I electronically scanned from my purchased copy AAM. You might be able to scale up the image...

Semroc Saturn 1B Model Rocket Kit

Supermodel Melanie with Semroc Saturn 1B Model Rocket Kit - Airplanes and RocketsThe Estes Saturn 1B rocket is another model that I really wanted to have as a kid, but just didn't have the money. In those days, I launched everything that I built, so I could not see spending a huge amount of my paper route money only to take the risk of destruction due to the parachutes not deploying properly or maybe an engine malfunction. I had launched enough rockets to know that the probability of something going wrong was directly proportional to the cost and time spent building. Instead, I stuck mostly with models that cost no more than about $3 (in 1960s-1970s dollars). This Saturn 1B model has long been in my rocket building queue, but decade passed before I felt justified spending the money and time to buy and build one. The Saturn 1B was one of the Saturn V's predecessors and was used as the launch vehicle for the first few Apollo missions...

American Telasco Limited Jet Propulsion Lab

American Telasco Limited Jet Propulsion Lab, Annual 1960 Air Trails - Airplanes and RocketsJetex "rocket" motors were quite popular during the 1940s through the 1970s. Their debut in the modeling world was in 1948, per the Jetex.org website. Unlike Estes rocket engines that used combustion to generate a high velocity ejection stream, Jetex fuel pellets merely "burned" at a constant rate while the exhaust was forced through a small orifice in the engine's metal housing (casing). Also unlike Estes engines, the Jetex casing was reusable and re-fuelable. Half a dozen or so sizes and thrust levels eventually were produced. I had a couple of the Jetex 50 engines that got strapped to Guillows balsa gliders and, to some degree, were made to fly in jet-like fashion...

Infographic: Greatest Turning Points in Aviation

Infographic: The Greatest Turning Points in Aviation (BBC) - Airplanes and RocketsInfographics are a big thing (literally) in the business and science world, although they do seem to have passed their prime. Well-done infographics typically have the form of a high aspect ratio drawing that presents a detailed timeline or process flow of events or concepts. The progress can run top to bottom or bottom to top, depending on the creator's intentions. This particular infographic, produced by the BBC's "Great Turning Points" series, outlines the major milestones in development of flying machines beginning with the Wright Flyer in 1903 and progressing through both manned and unmanned airplanes up through the U.S...

One-Man Air Force

One-Man Air Force, March 1970, American Aircraft Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsNotice to TSgt. Ford's daughter: Please contact me again; the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is interested in getting more information about your father.

In 1970, when this article was written about USAF TSgt. Gordon Ford's incredible collection of giant control line scale, multi-engined flying models, the KC-135 Stratotanker was still a decade from being replaced by the KC-10, the C-5A Galaxy was just coming online as the world's largest cargo aircraft, and the C-133 Cargomaster was about to be mothballed. C-124 Globemasters were on their last legs, the XB-70 Valkyrie was a bygone dream, and the Convair T-29 (C-131) only had a few good years left in her. These are just a few of the aircraft in SSgt. Ford's hangar. How he was able to transport...

Major Changes to FAA Health Policies

Major Changes to FAA Health Policies - Airplanes and Rockets"The FAA released a substantial update to their Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners that includes major improvements for the agency's protocols for mental health, coronary heart disease, and some ophthalmologic conditions. The "AME Guide" serves as the main public-facing document for medical policy published by the FAA. In the following story, we will summarize the highlights of these policy changes by diagnosis category. Mental Health Among the most anticipated changes are those to mental health policy. For the first time, individuals with a history of certain "uncomplicated" diagnoses that have been treated..."

The Deezel Engine

Deezel Engine, January 1955 Model Airplane News - Airplanes and RocketsFor some reason, in more than half a century building and flying model airplanes, I have never owned or operated a diesel engine. I have nothing against them, and in fact would like to procure and run one, even if just on a test stand, before assuming dirt temperature. Diesels have a couple advantages and disadvantages compared to glow fuel engines, according to my recollection from reading about them over the years. Compared to glow fuel engines, diesels produce less power for a given volume displacement. The absence of a glow plug can make them more difficult to start, especially when hand-flipping and/or in cold weather. To their credit, diesels are not quite as...

RC Helicopters at the Nats

RC Helicopters at the Nats from the December 1972 American Aircraft Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsIf only 15 pilots were to enter helicopters in the 2024 Nats, everyone would wonder what in the world has gone drastically wrong. Heck, in today's contest it probably isn't unusual for a single contestant to show up with as many as 15 of his own helicopters - one for each type of event (aerobatics, scale, etc.) and a couple back-ups for each. A mix of homemade, commercial kits, and modified kits were displayed. Schluter was selling it Hueycobra, and DuBro had its Whirlybird. Their prototype Hughes 300 showed up, too. In 1972 when this issue of American Aircraft Modeler magazine was published, 15 pilots with a total of 17 - including free flight types - helicopters participating in the Nats was heralded as ground-breaking. How times have changed...

200 MPH Volkswagen? Witt's Vee

200 MPH Volkswagon? Witt's Vee, February 1974 American Aircraft Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsSteve Wittman, aka "The Grand Old Man of Air Racing," was a prolific airplane designer, builder, and pilot. His Wittman Tailwind homebuilt airplane was very popular and proved to be fast and efficient for its size and power. The "Formula Vee" racer, motivated by a highly modified Volkswagen engine, easily broke the 170 mph speed benchmark. Making outside-of-the-box tradeoffs like suffering the drag of wing bracing wires for a lighter and thinner airfoil are what made Wittman a crafty - and winning - designer. A scale model of the Wittman Vee might benefit from a slightly thicker airfoil and larger tail surfaces unless you want to have to aggressively fly the craft the entire time it is in the air. This article and 3-view of Witt's Vee appeared in a 1974 issue of American Aircraft Modeler magazine...

For the Tenderfoot: Saucerer Article & Plans

For the Tenderfoot: Saucerer Article & Plans, January 1970 American Aircraft Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsWebsite visitor Kenneth E. wrote to say that he is working to build a complete collection of the Tenderfoot models that were published in American Aircraft Modeler magazine. The Tenderfoot series was an attempt to provide motivation to young newcomers to the hobby. They were a mix of freeflight rubber, gliders, control line designs that built simply and cheaply. Power could be muscle (hand launch), CO2, rubber band (wind-up or catapult launch), and and internal combustion engine 1/4A (.010 and .020) & 1/2A (.049 and .051) using glow fuel or diesel fuel. Kenneth requested reprints of the following three models: The Saucerer, a unique control line model by Ray Malmström (January 1970), the Bonanza and Mustang, free flight hand-launched glider by David Thornburg (January 1971), and the Clodhopper free flight rubber powered model by Paul Denson (February 1973)...

A Flying Bandanna

A Flying Bandanna, May 1968 American Aircraft Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsIf you have a vintage Cox .010 Pee Wee engine sitting on the display shelf and you've been itching to get it in the air again, Ken Willard's Flying Bandanna (not Banana) could be just the thing to get you there. This article appeared in a 1968 issue of American Aircraft Modeler magazine. Ken claims it only takes about 10 minutes to assemble, and as he says of the bandanna 'parachute,' it is "...a built-in wiping rag for your hands after each flight!" I remember as a kid when my .049-powered plastic Cox control line models had finally be demolished beyond repair (no glue at the time would hold the styrene plastic together for long), I would take what was left of the fuselage and launch it into free flight with the engine screaming. Sad to say, but especially during the early...

Model Rocket Lands Vertically

Model Rocket Lands Vertically - Airplanes and Rockets"Joe Barnard and Aryan Kapoor are two model rocket enthusiasts who've spent years working to advance the hobby with innovative ways to precisely steer model rockets and land them vertically instead of just watching them parachute back to Earth after a launch. Despite many failures and setbacks, they've each succeeded in recreating SpaceX's Falcon 9 landing capabilities at a much, much smaller scale and without billions of dollars of funding. Barnard, who studied music production in college - not aerospace engineering - spent seven years designing, building, and perfecting various custom components, including a custom thrust vectoring mechanism for model rocket engines..."

Kelly's Awful Airline

Kelly's Awful Airline, January 1965 Popular Mechanics - Airplanes and Rockets"The navigators who fly the regular routes use everything they can. They use celestial navigation, but because there is-hour daylight they can use only one star, the sun." That's a line from this "Kelly's Awful Airline" article in a 1965 issue of Popular Mechanics magazine. It describes one of the many challenges facing the crew of U.S. Navy Air Development Squadron Six's Commander George R. Kelly as they perform many amazing feats of daring, skill, and ingenuity. In such an unaccommodating environment as is the Antarctica, bravery and determination are essential personal traits necessary for not just accomplishing goals, but for basic survival. C-130s, C-47s, and what looks like a "Huey" (Bell UH-1) flew day and night, in temperatures that can nearly...

World's Smallest, Lightest, and Fastest Fully Functional Micro-Robots

World's Smallest, Lightest, and Fastest Fully Functional Micro-Robots - Airplanes and Rockets"Two insect-like robots, a mini-bug and a water strider, developed at Washington State University, are the smallest, lightest and fastest fully functional micro-robots ever known to be created. Such miniature robots could someday be used for work in areas such as artificial pollination, search and rescue, environmental monitoring, micro-fabrication, or robotic-assisted surgery. Reporting on their work in the proceedings of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society's International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, the mini-bug weighs in at eight milligrams while the water strider weighs 55 milligrams..."

EAA Acro-Sport Plans and Article

EAA Acro-Sport Plans and Article, November 1974 American Aircraft Modeler - Airplanes and RocketsIn the late 1970s, I was working on my private pilot license and dreamed of building a homebuilt airplane. The Bowers Fly Baby biplane was the first choice based on my nearly non-existent budget since it was all-wood and used a 65 HP engine. What I really wanted was an EAA Acro-Sport biplane. I was a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) at the time and first learned of it in their monthly magazine. This scale rendition appearing in the November 1974 issue of American Aircraft Modeler magazine really made me want to build one. Unlike the Pitts Special or the Christian Eagle, the Acro-Sport can be tackled by most people of average building skills, and cost a whole lot less for materials and powerplant...

Our First Moon Scout Heads for the Pad

Our First Moon Scout Heads for the Pad, February 1965 Popular Mechanics - Airplanes and RocketsSurveyor 1, the first in a series of seven, launched from Cape Canaveral on May 30, 1966 and landed on the moon at Oceanus Procellarum on June 2, 1966. As the name implies, its mission was to analyze and map the lunar surface in preparation for manned landings there at the end of the decade. As detailed in this 1965 Popular Mechanics magazine article, Surveyor 1 was equipped with many instruments and tools for photographing, measuring, and testing the moon's features and composition. Prior to its visit, nobody was certain whether the lunar surface was covered with a thick layer of dust that would envelope a craft and render a manned visit impossible. Turns out, the dust layer was quite thin. Even so, there was still some concern prior to Apollo 11's landing, because conditions might vary...

Espresso Engineering Workbook
Model Aircraft Museum, AMA - Airplanes and Rockets

RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe

Cafe Press

Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) - Airplanes and Rockets

Academy of Model Aeronautics

Tower Hobbies logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Tower Hobbies

Horizon Hobby logo - Airplanes and Rockets

Horizon Hobby

Sig Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Sig Mfg

Brodak Manufacturing - Airplanes and Rockets

Brodak Mfg