Bean Hill Flyers club is Erie, Pennsylvania's, only organized control line
flying group. It operates under sanction of the Academy of Model Aeronautics
(AMA), charter #4673. Two main flying sites are maintained, one in Albion,
PA, and the other in Millcreek, just west of the Erie city line.
Class: Control Line
AMA Chartered Club #4673 Flying Field Location: Rt. 6N, just east
of Albion, PA (see map) Contact:
Joe Daniels Phone: 814-881-1895

President: Joe Daniels
Vice President: Dennis Thomas Treasurer: George Towns
Safety Officer: Chris Keller Newsletter Editor: Dalton Hammett
Secretary: Greg Rodney Hi Everyone, I suppose the correct greeting should be Happy
New Year since that's the time that most of you will be reading this. As
I am writing this it is late November. Wrapping the year up means renewing
those memberships. AMA, PAMPA, and of course your Bean Hill Club Membership.
That leads me to make some comment on the importance of membership to modeling
organizations. Sean Elliot, one of our members, works for the EAA as an
advocate for general aviation to the government. His recent article in Sport
Aviation magazine cites a new acronym, SUAS or Small Unmanned Aircraft System.
These are commercially used by law enforcement, news media, realtors etc.
for unmanned aerial photography and surveillance. In other words - a drone.
This of course means that the FAA is in the process of creating rules to
govern the use of these RC drones in our airspace. These new rules have
the potential to impact not only the commercial drones but also RC, Free
Flight and Control Line models as well. It is important to keep informed
as the rules come to light so we can react if necessary. The AMA's 147,000
members and nearly 2,000 chartered clubs give strength to its voice. You
are an important part of that. On a lighter but colder note, don't
forget to check in with Joe Maxwell on all weather flying times this winter.
Bring out that engine that tends to run too hot in the summer months. You
can run it all day long this time of year. Seriously, Flying in the winter
is a lot of fun, no mosquitoes, and no sunburn! Take note in this
issue that the annual winter dinner meeting is coming soon and plan to be
there. Show and tell is welcome so bring your latest artwork. It's a great
time every year. See you there! Joe Daniels
Club Schedule
Jan. 12 Build Session Jan. 26
Build Session Feb. 9 Build Session
Feb. 23 Build Session Feb. 24 Annual
Club dinner and meeting at Hoss' Restaurant, Erie, PA. Social time starting
at 1:00 p.m. If you need more information contact Dalton Hammett at 814-882-1927.
Mar. 8 Build Session Mar. 23
Build Session Apr. 13 Build Session Apr. 27
Build Session May 11 Build Session
*** Build sessions are held at Maxwell's Hobby Shop
from about 4 pm until 6 pm. Bring your projects in
if you would like some help or just stop in to visit and possibly help someone
else. If you would like more information
contact Joe at the shop.
January starts off a new season for the all season flyers. I believe
three or four of our members have completed the 2012 season. We will know
for sure at the February dinner meeting. If you would like to participate
in 2013 please let Joe Maxwell know and I have included one of the. record
sheets that you can use to keep track of your flights. You need to have
one recorded flight each month, January thru December.

"What makes you so sure I can't ??"
TREASURER'S REPORT November 28, 2012
See hard copy from newsletter mailing or contact Treasurer George H.
Towns, Treasurer, for details.
Bean Hill Safety
Well the snow is flying, the leftover Thanksgiving turkey is hopefully
finally gone, deer gun season is here and gone, the Christmas tree is dried
out, and the Brownies have finally proven their vast superiority over the
Steelers. Its winter - and God knows we have a long one in Erie. If you
are reading this, we made it past the end of the world on the 21st of December.
I have a pretty nice profile stunter on my board right now, so I sure am
glad those Mayans got it wrong. Everybody makes mistakes. So winter
is very much the time we build. Whether you are gluing together a new ARF
or starting with a huge blank piece of paper and a stack of creamy white
contest balsa, there are many aspects of building that need your attention.
If building from a set of plans, don't just automatically follow the plan.
I have found that on several planes, there are very easy ways to improve
the strength of what I would otherwise consider a too-weak bellcrank mounting
system, plywood doubler shape or tail attachment. Some specifics would be
instead of using one piece of plywood for the bellcrank that is glued to
one spar, sandwich the bellcrank between two pieces of plywood so that the
bolt passes through both pieces of ply. This is twice as strong as the plan
while adding only maybe a few grams. What I'm getting at is that
safety in building translates to safety on the field. Taking a second to
think about what you are doing and how you can do it better will payoff
in the long run. Always be mindful of what you are doing. For example, I
was sweating an elbow onto a short nipple of copper pipe in my bathroom.
I was sitting on the tub and had the torch on the ground. I was holding
the work in one hand and the solder in the other. I dropped the solder and
bent over to pick it up. Well, lets just say I was not mindful of where
the torch was and the smell of burning hair lingered for hours. I also want
to touch on my nemesis - wire brushes. I'm not sure if anyone has figured
out how to use these properly, but every time I try to mess with them I
draw blood. Be careful. I recently had one in a drill and had a wire pop
out and hit me in the face. Not good. Stay safe and have a good building
season. Happy New Year! P.S. If anyone has any safety issues,
concerns, questions or mishaps please email me. I can always use new material
for the newsletter. Chris Keller

1. Here is a picture furnished by a member of the Cleveland group
with a note it was taken back in the 1900's.
Who do we know that flies Cobras ??? 2. George Towns' Demon
flying wing in the air at the Champion field. It's.40 powered and I can't
see George in the picture, likely because he's
turning around so fast !!! 3. Dalton Hammett (L) and Clint
McBeth started flying together and started Albion's first control line club
back in the 1950s. Fifty years later they're back
at it again.
Editor's Note
Since we have a number of new members Joe Daniels asked me to put out
a little information on the Winter Building Challenge for all. This
is a fun event to complete and have a plane flying over the winter months.
The plane must be built between "Late in the year 2012 and our first scheduled
club event after Brodak's in 2013. Each year it is a different plane and
the event is open to club members only. Our panel of judges changes
depending on who's available and not building a plane that year. The completed
planes are reviewed for building and finish then the models have to complete
a minimum of ten laps flying - no special stunts are required and the flight
is only considered if it's to break a tie in the building. This
season's project is anyone of the old CG Goodyear profiles. These are the
planes that are normally used in Foxberg Racing. You can use one of the
original kits, one of the Brodak kits (Maxwell Hobby has them) or build
from plans which the club has available also. There are awards for 1st,
2nd and 3rd places and if you have any other questions please feel free
to contact me about them. We would like to get an idea, as usual,
of how many entrants we might see so if you would, please let me know if
you are planning on completing a plane. Definitely consider it as it has
been a lot of fun in the past plus it gives you another plane to beat around
with or possibly even consider Foxberg Racing. Some of the planes built
in past events have turned out to be good flyers and Chris Keller's Super
Firecat even won him a special award at Brodak's last year.... Dalton
Hammett 814-882-1927 Here is a page featuring other
flying clubs and hobby shops in the Erie, PA, area.
Map for Bean Hill Flyers
AMA Chartered Club #4673
View Larger Map
Posted January 1, 2013