Earl Cayton, Salem, Oregon, employs dural
firewall plate as firm base for thrust adjustment washers in radially-mounted engine
of free flight gassie -

Have you developed something new in construction, control, or flying? Send a
rough sketch - we'll redraw it and pay $5 for each accepted. Contributions should
be original ideas; sorry, we cannot enter into any correspondence on submissions.

Inexpensive model "tools" for easier handling of small model parts - Arthur Lederle,
Southold, New York.

Fabric covering is easily applied with paste adhesive. Spread over frame with
fingertip, it allows 15 min. period for stretching covering before setting. By Eric
Knox, San Francisco, California.
 Sections cut from combs make realistic grills
for cowl openings. Ideal for team racers, stunt & scale models of all sizes
says Phil Boretto, Santa Rosa, California.

L.M. Waldorf, Binghampton, New York, makes small coupling at firewall to facilitate
replacing fuel line to "sealed-in" tank.

Great variety in shapes of plastic nail polish caps include some suitable for
A/2 engine spinners suggests Keith Red, 12, Union City, Michigan.

Richard Chang, Hong Kong, China, rigs realistic rocket batteries under wing of
control-line model -