Doublesure dethermalizer comes from Japanese modeler Kouci Tsuda, Fukuoka, Japan. Doubling fuse and lighting
at bend gives added reliability; both fuses virtually same duration
Ball check valve, rigged into line between bladder tank and needle valve makes filling possible without dismantling
model or removing cowl. Works consistently, claims R. E. White, East St. Louis, Illinois.
Soft balsa planking, after sanding, may sag between ribs or formers after finishing. Steve Hills, Lubbock,
Texas, prevents this by adding Styrofoam filler blocks. Little weight, no sagging.
Light weight radial engine cowling is easily adapted from new Kraft cheese spread container, reports Vernon
Van Diver, Jr., Woolford, Maryland. Fancy fluting simulates rocker box fairings.
W. H. Kay, Jr., Oceana, Virginia, combines removable escapement rubber plug with R/C model tailskid. Loop in
end of skid provides eye for rubber winder. Rubber tension holds device in position.
Clever shock-absorber landing gear is adaptable to many ordinary dural gear arrangements. Rubber bands cushion
action of specially shaped axle wire. From James B. Faconer, Hutchinson, Kansas.
David DeSimone, La Puente, California, makes simple exhaust baffle, extends it directly to escapement throw
by wire shaft for engine speed control of radio model.

When rubber-powered model frame is complete, spray fuselage with clear lacquer or plastic with pressure can. Frame
strengthened, withstands rubber lube says Dan Garfinkle, Litchfield Park, Arizona.