Toy "wind-up" auto gear box furnishes 8:1 escapement rubber winder
reports Richard Stephens, Bronx, N.Y.C. MODELPLANE

Have you developed something new in construction, control, or flying?
Send a rough sketch - we'll redraw it and pay $10 for each accepted.
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Longerons, leading edges, etc., may be curved easily if split,
cemented in position says Ed Hecker, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Beam-mounted engine is easily adapted for radial mounting suggests
Carl Dodge, East Cleveland, Ohio |

Realistic "flaps down" position at rest, on take-off and at landing
for control model or freeflight scale is feature of gadget built
by David Froba, Lousiville, Ky.

R/C model tab adjustment, designed by Eugene Englehardt, Cranston,
R.I., permits quick increase or reduction of fin tab movement.

Rex DeSilets, Drexel Hill, Penna., devised unique system of making
realistic dashboard for scale models. |