Got a new idea for construction, adjustment or operation of model planes, boats or R/C? "AM" pays $10 for each
"hint & kink" used. Send rough sketch and description to Sketchbook, c/o American Modeler, The Conde Nast
Publications Inc., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y.

Timer- or fuse-operated dethermalizer of Freeflight gas job can also release long, colorful silk ribbon from compartment.
Loydd Wornell, Fort Worth, Texas, locates downed model by ribbon.

Three years' service proves auto-rudder mechanism built by B. I. Gaston, Austin, Texas. Line from tow ring releases
rudder from straight tow setting to offset glide turn position.

Use of tapered abrasive tool in small power drill makes quick work of grinding cutting edges in tubing for hole-punching.
Idea comes from Mike Hoffelt, Woodland Hills, California. |

Scraps of tubing, cable and wire can be fashioned into effective motor control gadget operated by third line.
Spring-loaded exhaust baffle was rigged by Leslie Hays, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania.

Pushrod were splice used by David Blackburn, Spring-field, Virginia., enables wire length to be adjusted by trial
before final soldering. Brass tube joiner quickly shaped with mill file.

Wheeled variation of "Snow Scooter" (Sketchbook, Feb., '61) is creation of Kermit Rohde, W. Burlington, Iowa.
Parts quickly assembled to ice cube tray body.

Here is the entire Sketchbook page in its original format. |